Categotry Archives: Uncategorized

Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog

By that I mean blah blah blah.  It seems I have gone overboard on the blog thing.  I have had ideas sprouting up all over the place.  Considering how much time FanLit takes  (Yes, that again) not to mention other things going on in my life – like work, kids, and having the critique group get suddenly very busy just as I become Critique Wizard – I don’t have time for all the blogs I’ve thought up.  Bummer. I’m going […]


Backing Up

I have a friend who backs up her files in a big way.  She saves her books under different names, and changes filenames regularly. At first I was going to tell her I did the very same thing.  Then I thought a little more, and realized that isn’t true.  I WANT to save compulsively, and I do change file names now and then, but it’s very hit-or-miss.  Specifically, it’s when my computer acts like it’s going to die that I […]


Technical Difficulties.

One of the reasons my blog has been a bit hit or miss lately is because I’ve been having technical difficulties.  When I try to upload what I’ve written, I get all kinds of error messages.  Since I get similar messages simply trying to surf the Internet, I’m assuming it has something to do with my ISP/ browser. However I know at least one reply to my blog has gone missing, so maybe it’s partly WordPress’s fault. I’m having similar […]



I’m still pounding my head against Front Page, which I begin to dislike more and more.  Just when I finally figured out how to place things on the page where I want them I run into software glitches that do things like drop the menu bar from my home page.  What gives? On top of that Avon FINALLY released the first assignment.  Since I’ve never done this kind of contest before I had no idea what to expect.  We have […]



I case you hadn’t noticed, I’m new to this bogging business.  I have not idea what the etiquette is.  Do I have to have permission to link to people?  Can I sniper link?  Can I remove links without giving offense? What do you think? Alice


Hi. Come on in, have a seat.

Why do I call my blog Alice’s Restaurant?  For those of us old enough to remember, or have listened to it on oldie’s radio, there is a song about Alice’s restaurant.  It’s a ballad about how someone dumps a huge pile of garbage in front of Alice’s restaurant, and the singer must get rid of it.  A long drawn out affair involving 8×10 glossy pictures and the local law enforcement and enough red tape to cover a pickup truck, getting […]
