Categotry Archives: Gerbil TV

Freedom? Or Merely Escape?

The boy has a hamster now.  I guess Gerbil TV will have a little something extra. This was submitted to PhotoHunt. saturday photo scavenger hunt Which can be found here.





Can you guess what this is?



What would Gerbil TV be without gerbils?  I looked in one of the cages and noticed Mama Gerbil looked lonely. I looked all over, but the kids were no where to be seen. Oops.  Spoke too soon: They just popped up, though if I look close enough at the previous picture I can spot a tail in the mass of pink bedding. Well they are rodents.  So what do they do when you get their attention? Alice



My dd likes shells.  I found this on the kitchen counter: What is it?  She says this explains it all: Maybe I better teach her how to spell “rocket” Alice 


A Modern Day Jane

Uh-oh. Looks like Jane took exception to something in the news.  Watch out world! Alice


The Maverick


Make Your Own Story

Seriously, your guess is as good as mine.   Alice


The Romance Novel Magnetic Poetry Kit

We also have something going with a toy Mr. Al gave me last Valentines Day.  It’s a set of magnets with words on them. The makers of this thing clearly had certain things in mind.  You can tell by the way the words were arranged when they first came out of the box. We have since moved them around a bit.  The kids get a real kick our of playing with them.  For instance, this is one my son came […]


In The Bathroom

As I’ve mentioned, my household is filled with weirdness.  Strange little dioramas, projects, and such will pop up in various places with little rhyme or reason.  One of the places I find it most often is in the bathroom. We’ve seen many a pitched battle on the counter. There have been odd infestations in the shower. And now and then the toys well get together for some sort of confab. I’m not sure, but I suspect Mr. Al is party […]



I seems to me that  Gerbil TV should start with gerbils.    The only problem with that is it can be very hard to get a good picture because gerbils are fast, and my camera is not.   Still, I mangage to get a few.  Now if only I could understand all of them. Alice



I’m going to do something a little different this week.  For the last few months I have been doing a recipe on Monday, Tudors on Tuesday, some random type thing on Wednesday and Thursday, Suzie’s House on Friday and some hit-or-miss randomness over the weekend.  This week I’m going to do the recipe on Monday and Suzie’s House on Friday, but the rest of the week will all be Gerbil TV. I promised to do Gerbil TV months ago, but […]


Gumby Scorned

Gumby had to take matters in hand. Let’s just say he gave them what for.  Uh oh.  Jane’s turn. Alice


Jane and Gumby Sitting in a Tree

Yep, the two of them have been carrying on. It all started when Jane toilet papered Mr. Al’s desk. Gumby gave her a hand.  The two of them hit it off. Unluckily Jane met someone else. Well, actually, a couple of someone elses.  Gumby was not amused. More on this story tomorrow. Alice


Gossip and News

I was hoping I’d be able to unveil my new web site tonight.  I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen.  Instead, I’m going to share some gossip. Gumby is in love with Jane Austin. Alice
