Categotry Archives: Photo Hunt

House Shopping

Jill: So what do you think, Jack? Should we buy this house? It has a great entry, and two stories, a huge kitchen and utility room, four bedrooms with cedar lining in the walk in closet of the master bedroom, two bathrooms and the living room is enormous. Is that a fireplace? I like the place. How about you? Jack: (silence for a long time) Jill: I know, it’s too big for us, but the benefits are too numerous to […]


PhotoHunt: Juice

Jack: Oops! Sorry, Darling. Didn’t mean to squirt you. Jill: I don’t mind so much that you got my face, but you got orange juice all over my new dress. Jack: How can you tell? Today’s theme is orange Previously in Jack and Jill: Good Taste The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


Good Taste

Jill: How do you like my new dress? Pretty fancy, isn’t it? Jack: Well, it’s certainly colorful. Jill: Grrrrrrr. Jack: *gulp* Darling, it looks great, but it’s nothing next to you. Jill: Nice save, Dear. Today’s theme is colorful Previously in Jack and Jill: A Western Man The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


A Western Man

Jack: How long until it gets here? I don’t want anyone to see me like this. Jill: There’s no shame in it. Jack: I was doing just fine fixing the truck on my own. We don’t need a mechanic, just a few parts. Jill: Yes, I know. We’ll get them now. Jack: I can’t believe there was no one around to give us a ride! It better get here soon. I don’t want anyone to know. Jill: You know, in […]



Jack: What are you doing up there, Gin? We’ve been calling you for dinner. Need some help down? Gin: Meow. Jack: Hold on. Let me make a lasso and I’ll get you down. Oops. Jack: Gin! Wait! Don’t leave me hanging here. Today’s theme is hanging Previously in Jack and Jill: Jill’s Latest Kick The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


Jill’s Latest Kick

Jill: I took up yoga. Jack, you should take it up too. It’ll make you limber. Jack: I’m already plenty limber. See? I can turn my body into a triangle. Jill: You call that a triangle? Check this out. Jack: Whoah! You win. Today’s theme is triangle Previously in Jack and Jill: How Free? The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


How Free?

Jack: I am so sorry, Darling. I shouldn’t have read your diary. I see that now. It’ll never happen again. So please, honey cakes, let me free. Jill: Free? Free? Are you sure that’s what you want? Jack: Well, now, let’s not go overboard here. Just loosen the ropes a little. I’m sure we can come up with a compromise from there. Jill: heh, heh, heh. Jack: Gulp. Today’s theme is free Previously in Jack and Jill: Open Communication The […]


Open Communication

Jack: Jill’s diary?! I wonder what she thinks about me. Jill: Jack! What are you doing? Jack: Darling, you’re always saying I’m an open book. I’m just keeping it fair. Today’s theme is open Previously in Jack and Jill: New Shoes The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


New Shoes

Jill: Honey, I don’t think I can take another step. These shoes are killing me. Look. They’ve turned my feet purple! Jack: How can you tell? Today’s theme is purple Previously in Jack and Jill: 6 Feet Under The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


6 Feet Under

Jill: Mom, when Jack said you’d have to dig to get a six pack like his, I think he meant his abs. Jill’s Mom: Doesn’t matter. Jill: I’ll get you your own beer. Jill’s Mom: No need. Jill: How deep are you going to dig anyway? Jill’s Mom: Deep enough. Hey, what time is it? Jill: 6 pm. Jill’s Mom: Rats. He isn’t drunk enough yet and my bus leaves in 60 minutes. Guess I’ll have to finish this later. […]


So Many Bubbles

Jill: What is this doing here? And all these bubbles! It must have been Jack. He always forgets that the hip bath has a leak. Jill: Mom?! Today’s theme is bubbles This one is directly related to what came previously in Jack and Jill: Beauty Queen The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


Beauty Queen

Jill’s Mother: What is that you have up there? Jill, Honey, I know you asked me not to help you clean but in my opinion you need me. Jill’s Mother: Well, I’ll just climb up here and take care of that. Jack: You’re all sparkly. Ma’am, I do believe I’ve never seen you looking better. Jill’s Mother: Humph! The best thing about me is my sparkling personalty. Now quit humming that tune and show me where I can take a […]


Miss Communication

Jill: Hurry up, Jack. I need to get in at my monthly. Jack: What?!!!! Jill: My monthly. I need my monthly. Jack: No. Don’t tell me. You’re not…. Jack: Oh. That’s what you needed? Jill: Yes, there’s a recipe I want to try. What did you think I meant? Today’s theme is monthly Previously in Jack and Jill: Share and Share Alike The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.


Share and Share Alike

Jack: What’s for dinner? I’m starving. Jill: Mother ate us out of house and home. The only thing left was a cinnamon roll, and I already ate half of it. but you can have the other half. Jack: You call this half?! Jack: (muttering to himself) What I want to know is where she packs the rest. Today’s theme is half Previously in Jack and Jill: Visitor The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the […]



Jill: Here. I found your black socks. You look great, but what are you getting all dressed up for? Jack: We have a special visitor coming. Jill: Who? Jack: You’re mother. Today’s theme is mother Previously in Jack and Jill: Where Socks Go The rules for Photohunt can be found here. Be sure to visit the home page.
