Monthly Archives: September 2014

Through The Glass Darkly

“These old houses are such a pain,” said Jane. “Just look at how warped this mirror is. I’ve been trying to do my makeup for an hour now. Not only does my reflection look strange, it jumps and moves when I’m hardly even breathing. And it’s so dark! What kind of silver did they use on it? Really, Marge, you should replace it immediately.” “Um…. Jane? Are you talking about that?” Marge pointed. “Yes, of course. The mirror.” “That’s not […]


T13: Whistler

1. Whistler is a singularly unnatural town. This is particularly ironic considering how much it caters to nature enthusiasts. Like many cities in the Pacific Northwest, the thick vegetation tends to hide everything. This walking bridge is right in the middle of town.


Suzie’s House 373 : On the Side of Truth and Justice

“So this is where you’ve been hiding.” Tracy grabbed Lisa’s arm and spun her around right before she and Ben went into the public library. Lisa wasn’t really avoiding Tracy, though she kind of suspected what her cousin wanted to say. She was here because this was where she and Ben were spending most of their summer vacation. Yeah, geek city. It had to do with researching the books they were writings, but you couldn’t get something like that through […]


The Awakening by Kate Chopin p. 113

“It seems to me the utmost folly for a woman at the head of a household, and the mother of children, to spend in an atelier days which would be better employed contriving for the comfort of her family.” (says the husband.) “I feel like painting,” answered Edna. My dd is way ahead of me in it now. I let other things distract me. MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random […]


Pardon Me

Please pardon me while I continue to freak out about the condition of my web site. I was planning on talking about Whistler today, since it’s more or less in chronological order. Instead, you get a random picture of a glacier. I’ll do something about Whistler on Thursday. Last week was quite the trying week for me. It started when the people who have been renting my old house for the last five years called to let me know they […]



I updated both WordPress and Atahualpa. Apparently I should not have. As you see, I’ve had a bit of a melt down where my header is concerned. I’ve already been working on it for a day with no solutions in sight. I couldn’t even get a widget set up that would give you access to my pages. So for the time being, please accept this: Welcome page: Blog page The Serialists Suzie’s House History by Mr. Al Books About Hopefully […]



Liam, Alicia, and Sally sat around the campfire, each with a marshmallow on a stick. “Do you see faces in the flames? I see faces,” Alicia said. “I just see fire.” Sally gave her marshmallow a practiced turn. “I see the burning of the soul on a bitter and parched plain while the darkness of a yawning separation strangles a man’s words before they can be born. I see generation after generation of men struggling through a short life, never […]


13 Roadside Signs

For some of these it might be like playing hide and seek, but bear with me. 1. By the end of the trip we’d seen so many of these it became a joke.


Suzie’s House 372 : Not Even With Bribery

The old guy was blushing. After all the serious stuff they’d been talking about, Tracy thought Drew blushing was kind of cute. Or maybe just fun. “So this is all just a timing thing.” Drew sat up in that plastic lounge type chair like he though he was going to go somewhere, and covered his face with on hand. He sighed like he was really fed up with everything in the whole world. “Timing?” Gene didn’t sound so sure.


The Awakening by Kate Chopin p. 2

The parrot and the mockingbird were the property of Madame Lebrun, and they had the right to make all the noise they wished. Mr. Pontellier had the privilege of quitting their society when they ceased to be entertaining. I’m helping my dd get her homework done by reading along with her. Her punishment for not keeping up is to refuse to talk to her about anything until she catches up. MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your […]
