Monthly Archives: March 2015


Finally, Sally got to claim her own little piece of land for a kitchen garden. It seemed silly to her that the family raised acre after acre of wheat, yet had to go to the store for cucumbers because no one wanted to deal with it. Finally, at the beginning of March, her parents said she would use the old garden plot next to the house. It was up to her what she did. She bought a bunch of seeds. […]


13 More Diet Facts

Hey, I’m learning a lot. Mostly about fat, but I guess that’s to be expected. 1. The serving sizes listed on food packaging have nothing to do with nutritionist recommendations. You have to eat an appropriate amount, then do some math to find out how many fat grams and/or calories you’re eating. 2. The formulas looks like this: Fat grams you ate = Amount you ate / Amount they claim is a serving X Fat grams per serving. One of […]


Suzie’s House 397 : Just So We’re Clear

“Can I get a glass of water from you?” Drew used it as an excuse to follow Walter into the kitchen, but he really was thirsty. “Yeah, sure.” Walter opened a cupboard. “You must think I’m a total idiot. Crawling out a window without my pants. So lewd.” He shook his head sadly. “I don’t remember that at all.” “It’s no worse than some of the things I’ve done,” Drew assured him. “Yeah, well. Drugs will do that to you.” […]


The Lottery Winner by Marry Higgins Clark p.68

“Good-bye, Jeff,” Cynthia said. She broke the connection, left the phone off the hook, and turned her back to it. Apparently written not only before cell phones, but in the time when phones were actually wired directly into the wall with no little clippy things to make it easier. MizB of A Daily Rhythm hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should […]



This week’s focus in my diet program is on adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I was just starting to despair over getting enough verity in my diet to keep me going because of all the foods I’ve had to drop. (cheese – sniffle, sniffle) As if all my food allergies weren’t enough. So anyway, in a couple of days I ended up cleaning out every item in my food […]


Dis- Still- Ation

Theodor: You’ve been a lot more active since the time stream was altered, however I can not say I approve of any of the endeavors you have taken on. Are you sure you won’t help me rebuild the time machine so I can return to the moment when your mother-in-law prevented her own existence? Jack: From what you’ve said about my mother-in-law I’m better off not helping you out. Theodor: But what of your wife? You loved her very much […]


An Adventure

Two young fairies left the confines of their magic mushroom circle to see the world. “What could this be?” The first fairy put his hand on the surface of something big. “It’s like a tree, but dead.” “Could it be a wall?” The second fairy nearly fell over from leaning backwards in search of the top. “It’s too big to be a wall.” “The elders always said the world is much bigger than we realize, and that there is a […]


13 Diet Discoveries

I’m on a group diet. Sounds weird, but it’s working for me. It’s a program for the prevention of diabetes that my doctor recommended. Here’s some of what I’ve learned. 1. The program is called Lifestyle Balance. It’s free, supported by a combination of state funding and run by the CDC. 2. Diabetes is caused by an over abundance of glucose in the blood. I already knew that, but I hadn’t realized the over abundance isn’t cause only by insulin […]


Suzie’s House 396 : Shenanigans

“The first time he got away from me, don’t laugh, he hid in the closet.” Donny grinned for a minute, then seemed to realize no one smiled back. “Hey, he could have fooled anyone. I swear I checked everywhere. Checked the closets twice. He had to have moved from one to another, always one step ahead of me.” “Just goes to show I’m not as stupid as you think I am,” Walter said. His smile wasn’t entirely nice, but not […]


Into the Flame by Christina Dodd p.373

Manlike, he added, “You can’t ever forgive me.” Womanlike, she said, “Do not, I beg you, tell me what I can and cannot do.” MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail. Any more than that would be a spoiler.


Health Program

My doctor sent me to a diet program. Apparently she’s concerned because I have diabetes and heart disease riddling my family history. She suckered me in on the possibility that if I lose enough weight I might be able to drop the blood pressure medicine. It’s a cool program. If your doctor recommends one like it, I say jump on it. It’s free to participants with backing by both the state and the CDC. The statistics collected get turned in […]
