Monthly Archives: July 2015

WSJwine p.0449209 front

The Rescue Block Merlot 2009 THE WINE: Growing high in the cool hillside vineyards of Monterey is a special patch of Merlot vines. Locals call it the Rescue Block because every year, without fail, these vines produce wonderfully ripe, full-flavored fruit (saving many a blend). The WSJwine book is one of those add-a-page deal with each page talking about a particular wine. I’m not much of a drinker myself since it literally gives me a headache about half the time, […]


Lost and Found

Clear back in May I loaned my cell phone to The Girl. She promptly lost it. I mean, really prompt. As in I gave it to her the night before an overnight field trip, and the next morning she couldn’t find it. We found it last week. In all that time all the people who wanted to reach me through that number couldn’t. I ended up getting a new phone. Then I had to piece together all my old contacts. […]


Gold Rings

Jack: I guess a woman of my own was just a figment of my imagination. No gold rings for me….. Eeeeek! Theodor: If you want the right future, help me make it! Previously in Jack and Jill: Making a Horse’s Blanket of Yourself Over Love The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “gold rings” as suggested by Heather Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.


Eye of the Beholder

“Hey. What-cha call that?” Mural pointed at the art display with one thumb. The other hooked through a belt loop on his generous wasteland. “I call it an art installation.” Ted knocked back his floppy hat for a better look. He examined the upended cars and found them good. “Yeah, I know that much. What’s the art institutional thing called? What’s the name?” “Accidental Tye-Dye.” Ted popped out the first thing that came to mind, since he hadn’t named it […]


Window Replacement Checklist

If I ever have to do this again, I want this list so I don’t have to go to the lumber yard so many times in a row. 1. Window. One that will fit in the hole you need to fill. 2. Studs. Measure them out! For filling a doorway you need two times the height of the doorway, plus two times the height from the top of the window to the where you’re going to end up ripping out […]


Suzie’s House 413 : Reading the Riot Act

“Hey, it’s the detective guy. And Walter. Where you been, Walter? You’re lunch is in the fridge.” Donny smiled, and his words were chipper, but his voice was raspy as he stubbed out a cigarette. Drew couldn’t decide if Walter’s care taker had actually been crying, or if the red eyes and voice had something to do with the smell of pot in the air. Then, thinking about how negligent Donny was in his job, Drew decided he didn’t care.
