Daily Archives: August 26, 2015

13 Pictures of Indonesia

You probably noticed I’ve been traveling again. I went for a quick tour of Java, Bali, and Flores/Komodo. In other words, I went to Indonesia. Here are some pictures I took while there. 1.


Suzie’s House 419 : Ethan Spanging

“So how long have you been spanging?” A grizzled old man with stains on his jeans and shirt that Ethan didn’t want to think about. “Spu… spu…. what?” Ethan didn’t know what to do with his eye. He glanced at the old man, then at the WalMart sign next to them, then at the stream of cars taking the turn out of the WalMart parking lot. “Spanging. You know – asking for spare change. SpareChange. Spange. How long you been […]
