Monthly Archives: April 2016

When it Rains

“See? I told you everything would be great.” Mark said to Debbie as they set up their tent. “I would still rather be in Murphy’s or maybe Napa going from wine tasting to wine tasting.” She flicked off a speck of dust. “I am not a fan of the great out doors.” “Why? What’s wrong with it?” “Too much dirt! I mean, imagine if the weather reporter was right and it rained?” A clap of thunder rolled through the wood. […]


Suzie’s House 454 : Still Too Many Characters

While I critiqued Lisa’s work, Ben got antsy. He pulled at his lower lip, glanced between us, and shifted weight in his seat. I thought he wanted to say something, but when I looked at him, he looked away. At last, he picked up his manuscript and banged the bottom of the stack of paper on the table to line up the pages, then stuffed it into his backpack. A field of cookie crumbs appeared where the paper had been. […]



The other day I was trying to drive from a gas station to the left lane of a four lane on a right turn. A very long line of cars had me sitting idle for a loooong time. When the light turned red for them, a dump truck pulled forward enough to totally block my way. Although regretable, I didn’t worry about it. I assumed I would catch a break eventually. The truck driver, was another matter. He waved for […]



Fred walked out to the back forty to find Barb standing by the fence. Some of her long, beautiful hair had gotten caught in the barbwire. She picked and tugged at it. “Morning Barb! Got yourself caught again? You know, neither one of us has run cattle on our property in a long time. I’m not planning on changing that. Are you?” “Nope.” She ripped the hair loose. “Why don’t we just take this fence down?” “It’s the way I […]


The Imperial Palace

The buildings that had been used by the emperor for many generations have mostly been converted to a museum housing the various items that were used by royalty over the years. They range from portraits to oven mitts. 1. Guardian statue at the entry way.


Suzie’s House 453 : Entirely Too Many Characters

I tried to resist, but the rice crackers weren’t cutting it. I filched a cookie off the plate in the middle of the table. “Lisa, before I say anything more about your writing, help me eat these cookies. I really shouldn’t be eating them, but they are too tempting.” “You don’t have to make them for us,” Lisa said, but she dutifully crunched into one. She may have done it to pacify me, but seemed to enjoy it once she […]


Sunless Worshipers

At one point a tourist asked our guide why so many of the people in Java wear masks when on motorcycle. We thought it was a reaction to pollution. Not so. They are trying to avoid getting tans. Dark skin is a sign of low income and education. Those who ride motorcycles are particularly likely to get “too much” sun. If their helmets don’t have dark face plates, then they will often add a mask of some sort. In a […]



“But what does it mean?” Akron3a traced the lines in the book. There was something familiar about the shapes, but he couldn’t quite place why or how. “It doesn’t mean anything,” Beta425 said with a condescending smirk. “It’s art. That’s what art is all about – stuff that makes no sense. That’s why we don’t have any of our own in the colony. Put that book back in the foreigner’s bag before he notices.” “I guess it doesn’t matter.” Akron3a […]


On the Way to the Airport

The next morning we were supposed to leave Java and fly off to Bali. Like most best-laid-plans this one went awry. The airport in Bali suffered from drifting volcanic ash off and on the whole trip. It happened to be closed when we were supposed to take off, so the travel company arranged a later flight for us. That left all morning with nothing to do. Our guide quickly made alternative arrangements to keep us entertained. She lined up bikchas […]


Suzie’s House 452 : Too Many Characters

I handed the marked up copies of their manuscripts back to Lisa and Ben. Ironically, they had both suffered from the same writing issue this time. Too many characters caused confusion.


Rice Cracker Factory

Horse drawn carriages took us to a rice cracker factory where we participated in rice cracker production.


Suzie’s House 451 : Goofy Boys

“It’s not impolite when you’re livid,” Gene said. He thought it was obvious. “Get out!” Ben leaned away so far he nearly fell off Gene’s bed. One hand crunched on the stack of scrap paper full of attempted lyrics. His goofy grin made Gene feel like laughing.
