Daily Archives: August 17, 2016

Rice Terraces Between Lovina and Jimbaran

Between Lovina and Jimbaran the volcanic soil coils around to form steep hills. Indonesians have industriously terraced them into a unique combination of rice paddies and irrigation system. The irrigation system is called subak. It is woven into the landscape and the culture of Bali. UNESCO World Heritage protects the entire subek area. Rice is first planted in a small nursery area within the fields. This is because many seeds won’t sprout. Rather than letting large patches of field fall […]


Suzie’s House 470 : Last Laugh

“Sadistic bstrd,” Walter muttered to himself. “What?” Drew leaned forward a little, though the lower part of his shoulders still touched the back wall of the sound room. He gave Walter a concerned look. “What? Oh, no. I was just thinking.” Walter half way smiled in the hopes that Drew would let it slide. There was no way he wanted to explain what was going on in his head right then.
