Monthly Archives: January 2017

All Quiet on the Western Font

You probably won’t be hearing much from me for the next few days. I just went in to get a hip replaced.


Chinese New Year


13 Friday Fictioneers Posts

I’ve been participating in the blog hop called Friday Fictioneers since April of 2014.  The idea is to write a story of 100 words based in the provided pictures.  A few have piled up.  These are ones that don’t use a particular cast of characters. 1.  Celebration


Suzie’s House 491 : Goodbye Van Family

Jim walked for four hours. He would have stopped and slept at the side of the road, but the one thin blanket he had with him didn’t do enough to keep him warm. He had to keep walking until he either found a place to stay, or someone took pity on his cold hitchhiker’s thumb.


Undead and Unappreciated by Mary Janice Davidson p.34

She’d tried – repeatedly – to kill me, but worse, she’d killed other vampires to get to me. And she’d ruined my shirt. She had to go. Ambrosia of The Purple Booker hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Ambrosia for more detail.



Taken right after Thanksgiving while on the way to Yellowstone.


An Arch Look

Marge politely put a scarf over her head before entering the mosque. She was learning to carry one in her bag for just such occasions. It was that, or borrow one that had been on who knew how many heads. This mosque featured more arches that any of the others she’d seen. The tour group had gone so many places, she wasn’t even sure what country they were in. A set of arches beckoned. Maybe there would be something new. […]



You know it’s going to be a rough winter when: 1. The cats get cabin fever in January. 2. The snow piles up enough on the car roof to make it dent. 3. Your family has a total of four vehicles, and not a single one will turn over. 4. The furnace repairman snaps at you when you call just because he’s tired. 5. Two layers of pants is normal. 6. People brag about how many layers they are wearing […]


Suzie’s House 490 : Van Family Neophyte

“He’s a misogynist!” The dork with fake glasses pointed at Big Jim Zempel and laughed. Laughed! As if he had any right to say anything, the wannabe. “What are you talking about?” Jim tried to laugh it off, though he really wanted to punch the guy. Lately it seemed like lately Rick had been picking up more and more of those people. Always the ones who didn’t really need to be there. College kids killing the last few minutes before […]


Mini Vacations

. I have actually been on two more trips since my Indonesia vacation. One took place last Spring when I was still preoccupied with the posts about Indonesia. The other took place right after Thanksgiving when I was preoccupied with holidays. I only just found all the photos I took on those trips. The chips had gotten misplaced. Frankly, in comparison, they weren’t much. Still, it will probably take a few weeks for me got get all my pictures ready […]


Making Tracks

Toby needed to make tracks. Fast. He should have left town right after the killing, even if it meant hitchhiking through a snowstorm at midnight. Instead, he’d slept in the old wino’s cardboard palace. The smell weren’t too bad, so he stayed a couple of nights. Then they found the body. Too late to hitch out now. He’d have to hop a train. He waited until the bull went by on an ATV, then tried to slip into an empty […]


Cabo San Lucas Pix

I’m trying to organize my travel posts for easier access. Right now I’m working on my two trips to Cabo San Lucas. When I did the posts, I was participating in a blog challenge called 365. You were supposed to post a photo every day. A lot of my Cabo posts were nothing more than a photo. Here I’m bringing some of them together so people interested in the trip don’t have to click on a dozen posts just to […]


Suzie’s House 489 : The First Day of School for Emma

Emma paused in the front entrance of East High on the morning of the first day of school. She swallowed hard and tried to not think about barfing. This year, she was not going to run to the bathroom every few seconds. Not like all through middle school. In middle school, up until she’d found the three Kates, she’d been a nervous wreck. Come to think of it, she’d been nearly as much of a nervous wreck afterwards too. When […]


Taxonomy of a Resolution

The first resolution I listed last Thursday – Write for at least one hour every day – is one I actually started in December. You’d think I’d make that kind of resolution DURING National Novel Writing Month in November. But no. I didn’t think of it until afterward. At first I was too vague. I thought as long as I spent an hour each day in front of my computer with a file open, that should count. Good old BiCHoK […]


The Fruit of Hard Work

Ruth liked to work in the elections office. Most of the other people there were also retirees. They all greeted her with a smile each election. Opening the envelopes and taking out the absentee ballots was easy work but felt important. During a major election they could work well into the night to be sure all the votes were counted and accounted for. “You’re so fast!” One of her co-workers said. “How many did you process today?” “I counted six […]
