Monthly Archives: January 2017

New Years Resolutions

I actually started my New Years resolutions a month ago. Sometimes resolve takes more than a year to bear fruit. 1. Write for at least an hour every day 2. Get more exercise 3. Do more sewing 4. Eat more fruit 5. Eat less fat 6. Deal with my left hip 7. Get a new car 8. Stay on top of my finances 9. Not procrastinate 10. Be more affectionate 11. Fix up this blog 12. Lose thirty pounds 13. […]


Suzie’s House 488 : School Supplies

“So. School starts tomorrow. Are you ready?” Lisa sat in Ben’s bedroom, on his bed, and kicked her heels back and forth while he sat at his desk in front of his computer and read through her latest opus. “Uh-huh. Yeah.” He answered so absently that she almost asked again. But then he pointed to a backpack leaning up against the wall. It was stuffed so full the zipper wouldn’t close. It was like a gaping reminder of the hateful […]


Slasher Girls and Monster Boys p.8

The power of the mind was something we experimented with on Friday night sleepovers. Also light-as-a-feather-stiff-as-a-board, and the Ouija, before kate-Marie’s dad burned it in her backyard. We also tried texting boys alluring emoticons and, on one brave night, posted photos of our faceless boobs to a message board, but hen took them down fast when the comments got scary. This is an anthology. The teaser is from The Birds of Azalea Street by Nova Ren Suma. Ambrosia of The […]


Happy New Year
