Monthly Archives: May 2017

Suzie’s House 499 : Midnight with Cookies

Sonoma. What a weird name. Emma lay on the bed in Miranda’s room and stared at the ceiling. The room smelled of shoes. Emma always thought Miranda didn’t like her. But as soon as she found out about Emma and the thing with her brother, Miranda cleared the piles of clothes and shoes off the bed in her room. The place was a kaleidoscopic mess – like one huge walk in closet turned inside out.


Suzie’s House 498 : Shelter from the Storm

The girl gaped adorably as she stared across the den at them. Sonoma had always found that lost waif look appealing. Knowing what little she did about Emma, Sonoma felt compelled to do everything she could to help. Trent smiled and gave her hand a squeeze – his signal that he totally understood her feelings, and would back her up. The two of them had encountered waifs any number of times over the fifty plus years of their union.


A Random 13

1 I 2 can 3 at 4 least 5 come 6 up 7 with 8 this 9 many 10 words 11 if 12 I 13 try Totally Random Picture – Jakarta highway.


Suzie’s House 497 : Decayed Fears

“You’re Jim’s sister? You poor thing.” The old man shook his head. Emma stood in Mrs. H’s den like a stupid deer. She couldn’t decide if she should stare at Drew or the old man and old woman so she tried to do both and probably looked like a total derp face. “It’s alright,” Drew said. “They’re harmless.” He gestured at a chair next to her. He was already sitting in the one opposite of her. The old couple had […]


Weather Report

It’s spring in Montana. That means it’s sometimes winter, and sometimes summer and generally something bouncing between the two. I was at work, and saw something floating past the window. At first I didn’t think much about it. This time of year there might be cottonwood fluff, or apple blossom petals, or any manner of natural air pollution. My co-worker happened to be looking at the weather forecast on her phone, and said it was supposed to get cold enough […]
