Monthly Archives: June 2017

Gone, But Not Too Long

I’m traveling! I’ll let you know all about it in July. I’ll get back to things like Suzie’s House and Thursday Thirteen then.


Suzie’s House 500 : Rights

“When you catch yourself thinking the kind of stupid things your brother would say, tell yourself, ‘I have a right to be myself. Nothing anyone says can change that.’” He made air quotes. “You’ll probably have to tell yourself a lot of times.” Sonoma agreed. “Along with things like, “I have a right to be here.” “I have a right to be heard.” and “I have a right to be loved.” “But… What if I don’t?” Emma’s voice rose enough […]


A Car Accident. Sort Of

I got a mild concussion from my car. It wasn’t the kind of collision you might imagine. It was the back hatch with rotten pistons crashing down on my poor unprotected head. It was stupid. I knew the stick holding the hatch up was vulnerable. I knew the load was too wide. I even knew just how ridiculously heavy that hatch door is. Still, I tried to get the central support for a new racking system out of the back […]


Things I Wanted to Do

Just a quick look back at a previous post. 1. I can’t say I’ve really gotten back to blogging, but I’ve gotten better. 🙂 2 I’m still sitting around in the living room, but that is partly because I’m nursing a concussion. Moving gives me a headache. 3. I’ve taken little nibbles at the computer issues. I’m still not fully functional, but getting closer. 4. Motivation has been creeping up on me. Maybe I don’t really need to worry about […]
