T13 – A Day’s Drive

1. We started the day in the North West tip of Washington, a bit north of Seattle.

2. We skirted around Seattle and headed East. I drove through that area. Multiple lanes of heavy traffic had us all biting our nails. Not here. This was the easy part. I wasn’t free to take pictures for the bad parts.

3. Soon we were on the plains of Washington, where I turned the wheel over and took a nap.

4. When I woke up we were closing in on Spokane, where there are some interesting rock piles along the highway.

5. And we caught up with a storm. I took the wheel again and did all the rest of the driving.

6. Making progress.

7.We skirted past Coure De Alane where the main features are sheer drop-offs and a nice lake.

8. We played leap frog with a latrine. I kid you not.

9. Seems like I used to see a lot more of these on the road ages ago. I’m glad. They always make me nervous.

10. Notice the lack of chains?

11. I have no idea what it was advertising. We were past in a flash.

12. All road trip pictures should include an overpass.

13. And we drove on into the night.

For more lists of Thirteen, visit Thursday Thirteen


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