
This new diet I’m on has me eating some odd things. For instance, I’ve learned to bake slabs of the glop that you get from boiling flaxseed into a tasty kind of cracker. It makes a pretty good snack if you can get over the slight hint of slime.

I’m eating a lot more fish. A LOT more. And nowhere near as much beef. I’m still buying weird vegetables and eating more salad. I’m getting used to it all.

Still, it’s nice to grab one of my old standbys now and then. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out a box of bran flakes and poured this oddity into my bowl. The flake on the left is a little on the large size for what’s normal in this box. I’ve never seen on so big as the one on the right.

It kind of makes me wonder about the flake making process. Do they have a special machine to make big one’s little? What if the machine breaks some day? They could have a new marketing thing – monster flakes.

Hey, I’d eat it. But then, I’ll eat nearly anything.


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