Rice Among the Lotus

Miyamoto Musashi cut down a hundred swordsmen in a single night. A ronan, he destroyed many dojos as proof of his power. He fought and defeated some of the most famous samurai of his day. Yet, broken and alone, he arrived in a destitute village as a beggar. Given the chance to farm, the rice paddies defeated him. In his defeat he discovered enlightenment. When at last the emperor’s men came to ask his allegiance, he no longer had the heart to kill.

The Hub: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Photo credit: Erin Leary

A ronan was a sword fighter who did not owe allegiance to a lord. Generally they were considered between jobs.

A dojo is a school for some form of martial arts. It can be a karate school, or one for wielding a sword. Crushing such groups was considered a normal way for a young fighter to prove his worth.


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