Return of Internet

I lost internet access for a few days last week. Frankly it’s been poor for a long time. I’ve replaced my router and modem so many times.

Like in the past, my signal just deteriorated badly. It seemed it would come back for a few minutes when I called the ISP tech support. I’d get a solid connection, feel silly for calling, and hang up. Over and over.

Eventually the tech support was fast enough to actually “help” me. They guided me through a reset that failed.

Where I had been able to get online for a few minutes an hour before, I suddenly wasn’t able to connect at all. I felt like they broke my system.

They sent out a technician the next morning. Turned out the problem with that the cable in the alley – the whole length of the alley! – was messed up. They replaced it, fixed the reset issue, and now I’ve got a great connection.

All in time for the weekend when I don’t generally blog. It just figures.


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