Weather Report

It’s spring in Montana. That means it’s sometimes winter, and sometimes summer and generally something bouncing between the two.

I was at work, and saw something floating past the window. At first I didn’t think much about it. This time of year there might be cottonwood fluff, or apple blossom petals, or any manner of natural air pollution. My co-worker happened to be looking at the weather forecast on her phone, and said it was supposed to get cold enough to snow tomorrow. For a minute I thought the snow had already come. Nope. It was just fluff.

All my trees have leaved out. It’s very pretty. You should see the gorgeous bumper crop of dandelions in my yard! They’re all white and… fluffy.

I better sneak out next time i go somewhere. The neighbors might shoot me on sight considering the condition of my lawn on comparison to their own.

The problem is that I had made an agreement with my son for him to take care of the yard in exchange for a rent break. He’s proving about as reliable now as he was as a teenager. Frankly, I’m ready to cut him loose. At least then I can hire a real lawn care company that will actually do the work when they say they will. It might be cheaper.

As to the hip recovery, it’s coming along well. I still get the occasional twinge, and have some problems sitting at a right angle for very long, but otherwise I’m very happy with it. Now it’s just a matter of getting back on the exercise program.

So, how’s your weather?


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