Packing It In

True story. I did a mediocre job of packing for Iceland. True, it has the word Ice in the name, but it was also the middle of summer. I packed for March in Montana – lots of layers. I had a hat with me, but it wasn’t warm enough.

Everything in the tourist shops of Iceland is expensive! A set of lava coasters were $90. Handmade hats? Forget it. But I happened to run across a $8 Made-in-China beanie in a grocery store.

If the handmade had been $30 I’d have bought them instead. So much for enterprising Iceland.

The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less
The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
The Photo Credit: Björn Rudberg

Breadcrumbs: If you leave a link in my comments to the post where you rose to the challenge, then I will be sure to comment. If it’s hard to find you, I’ll assume you don’t want a visit


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