13 Hopes and Fears

I’ve spent the day like one of those new swimmers on the high dive. I run to the end, look down, down, down at the deep water, and backpedal fast. Over and over. If anyone could see me, they’d be yelling and jeering because I’m taking up other people’s turns being scared. All because I’m trying to move my blog. So this list is really a run-down of my day.

1. I hope this will turn out like when you have a leak that goes on for months, and when you call the plumber it turns out to be quick and easy and only costs a few fingers, rather than an arm and a leg.

2. I fear it will be like when you decide to fix the leak yourself and end up replacing floors and walls.

3. I hope I don’t mess anything up when I ditch GoDaddy.

4. I hope whatever hosting company I end up with will be easier to understand.

5. I hope I can figure out this jargon in the WordPress Codex. For the most part they aren’t bad, but I hit one patch with five words in a single paragraph that meant nothing to me.

6. I fear I don’t get a lot of this stuff because I’m a total idiot.

7. I hope my kids will stop bugging me while I try to figure this stuff out.

8. I hope this will only cost a leg, not an arm and a leg.

9. I fear I should have gone ahead and hired the guy who wanted a thousand dollars and ten months to do this for me.

10. I hope you like my new digs once I have it all pulled together.

11. I fear any editors or agents I mean at the convention will take one look and decide I’m a rank armature who should have hired the expensive and time consuming guy.

12. I hope I can get my new banner done now that I have a spiffy new scanner.

13. I fear there is only one week to do it as that is when I leave town.

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Ella Drakewith links for Romance Writers



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