13 Steps to Breakfast.

The Girl has a homework assignment in which she’s supposed to produce a random list of 24 things about herself. She doesn’t get much sympathy from me. I pointed out I do a list of 13 things about myself every week for Thursday Thirteen, and that I didn’t have one ready for this week yet. At the time she was eating a bowl of cereal. She suggested I list 13 of the boxes of cereal we have in the house right now. I thought that was too boring, so here is my list of 13 events that take place in my morning.

1. The alarm goes off.

2. It’s still dark out. My body is convinced that it should never stir before the sun is up, and refuses to actually wake up. I wave a hand in the general direction of the snooze button. Somehow it connects.

3. The alarm goes off again.

4. I listen to the music for a minute – heavy metal – and decide I better actually turn it off so it doesn’t disturb Mr. Al, who will have gotten about two hours of sleep at this point.

5. The alarm goes off again. When did I fall back asleep?

6. I get out of bed.

7. I stumble to the other end of the trailer house to wake the kids. They now have 15 minutes to get out the door to catch the school bus.

8. I rush to turn my alarm off with the little sliding button so it doesn’t wake up Mr. Al. That or I fall back into bed, utterly exhausted by the 70 foot trek.

9. Bathroom. NOW I’m awake.

10. Yell at the kids that they are late.

11. Empty dish washer. The noise help get the kids up.

12. Refill the dishwasher, unless I’m supposed to fill out a bunch of forms for the school or otherwise deal with an emergency.

13. Hug the kids good bye.

Ok, so looks like there are a few other steps as well. For instance, there’s turn the computer on. Sometimes there’s a bike ride to the convenience store for milk. Usually something with the curtains will be involved. And now and then I don’t get around to breakfast for a long time because I went back to bed.

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The hardlinks:

Ms Menozzi
Cassandra Curtis
Mozi Esme
Paige Tyler
Calico Crazy
Debbie@Like a Rose


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