13 Thursday Thirteeners

1. Inez Kelley and Elise Logan of Chicks n Scratching Naughty Romance authors with a taste for vintage.

2. Emily Ryan Davis and Elise Logan of Scorched Sheets Who actually know about Motley Fool, the financial annalist. Fine, I’ll admit they are really more about hot men.

3. Colleen A writer who does the most entertaining research.

4. Country Dew A Virginian whose posts and pictures often bring local flavor to my world.

5. Anthony North A Brit with a quirky sense of fiction and an even quirkier blog.

6. Kristen Her blog is called Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker and that really fits.

7. Emily who gets a lot more exercise than I do.

8. Julia Smith who writes the Scorpius Tales.

9. Calico Crazy who is wonderfully computer savvy but whose depth of understanding of American Idol overwhelms me.

10. Hootin’ Anni who used to live in Denver and knows a lot about oil spills and redecorates her blog every month.

11. Celtic Librarian who comes up with some intriguing lists of facts.

12. jill conyers an author who is working on a list of 1,000 Awesome things.

13. Brenda whose Other World Diner is a blue, supernaturally romantic place.

And I ran out of room again. What you think? One more week of this?


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