TT #12: Pros and Cons of Bifocals

I got my first pair of bifocal glasses recently.  They are taking a bit of getting used to.  So this is a quick list of what I like and don’t like about them.

1.  The ground at my feet is no longer clear so I don’t always notice the marbles my dd leaves scattered on the floor.  Yes, I could tip my head way down, but why bother for every step?  What?  Did you say something about marbles?

2.  When I turn my head quickly it feels like I’m on a boat.  Everything shifts.

3.  When I rock my head back and forth, the desk in front of me looks like it is undulating.  This is actually a plus when I’m bored.

4.  I feel like I can’t see half the time because I’m looking out of the wrong part of the glasses.

5.  I actually get tired of reading faster now than I did with my one-prescription glasses.

6.  I have to tip my head funny to read; not just back, back and to the side.

7.  My family thinks I’m giving them the stink eye when I’m just trying to figure out which angle I need to be at to see them clearly.

8.  I have yet to figure out what I can focus on with the left and right sides of the bottom of my lenses. 

9.  I went to three eye doctors, and they all thought it was imperative that I switch.

10.  I can see stop signs now.  Wait, was that a plus or a minus?

11.  I did not get the anti-glare, and it was a serious mistake.  My world is noticeably darker now.

12.  Because of the thickness and anti-UV of my glasses I have funny looking skin tone around my eyes when I take them off, but I also don’t have as many wrinkles as I would have.  So I guess I look like a young, inverted racoon when my glasses are off.

13.  Vacuuming has become an adventure.  To see the floor I have to tip my head way down, and then the glasses fall off.  If I don’t, then it’s pure guess work as to where the dirt is hiding.

Next time I’m getting laser surgery.


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