13 Random Thoughts and a Random Picture or Two

1. We got kittens about a week ago.

2. We call the kittens “love sops” because everyone in the house likes to love them up.

3. Good thing we love them so much, because they’ve got some bad habits.

4. I’m doing NaNo again. This time I’m writing Fantasy – dragons and swords and knights and stuff. I’m shooting for 100,000

5. I never did finish painting the house, and now it’s gotten too cold for the paint. The last three times I worked on it, it rained while I painted. I really, really do not want to leave bare wood over winter.

6. This is what it looked like a week ago:

7. This is what it looked like a month ago:

8. This is where I was three and a half months ago:

9. Time doesn’t fly. It gets swallowed whole by a weird black hole that makes my memories seem like thing happened a minute ago or years ago, but never when they actually did.

10. I’ve got waaaay too much email in my inbox right now. I’m afraid to look.

11. It’s not going to get any better. Well, not until after Christmas anyway.

12. Which reminds me, time to get some snow tires.

13. I’m thinking about opening and Etsy store. What do you think?


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