Author Archives: Alice

Valor’s Choice by Tanya Huff

“I need a platoon for a special duty, shipping out ASAP.” “I haven’t got a platoon sir.” He looked momentarily nonplussed. Ambrosia of The Purple Booker hosts Teaser Tuesday. To play along, grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Then go see Ambrosia to link up and visit others.


Suzie’s House 538 : Next Step

When Demyan’s voice turned hoarse, he moved the headless body into position, then yanked on the rope attached to a board holding back the rock slide where he had intended to bury both of his victims tonight. That one had gotten away still left a vile taste in his mouth. He was supposed to leave the rock quarry for the airport. A night’s layover in New York City for a stay in a four star restaurant followed by a quick […]


13 Stars

Ok, I’m a day late for Independence Day, and Pride Month was June. I’m just not a timely person.



The doctors insisted on treatment after treatment, but Betsy had never felt there was anything wrong with her leg. It was simply the way she was born. Her mother wanted to try an new, experimental operation to permanently install a prosthesis. She refused. The result of their argument? Betsy took up ballet to prove a point and ended up with a career. The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields The Photo Credit: […]


Suzie’s House 537 : Quarry

By the time Demyan Petrovich felt in the mood for pulling over, the sun had long since set. He’d been thinking delicious thoughts about the terror in the law agent he’d captured in his camper. He imagined the man looking at the body of his previous victim with growing fear and impotency. America! What a place. Now that his cousin’s wife’s uncle sat in the White House he could get away with anything. Even if arrested, he’d be pardoned right […]


Down Time

It had only been a day since Bruce’s rock band, Maliprop, got kicked out of Gene’s house. Already Bruce missed the place. No more sitting on the floor with everyone dreaming up lyrics. No more ice cream or free meals. No more sage advice from weird old folks. Even if they had another place to practice, all the fun was gone. He hadn’t broken anything or threatened anyone and still…. Sometime he wanted to scream. Not. My. Fault! Worst part? […]


Dragon Bones by Lisa See

“You didn’t send me here to find Shau Da. You sent me here because I’ve always been susceptible to the powerful and to indoctrination. I’ve always followed the wind, and you gambled that Shau Da would find me.” at minute 11:19:35 Ambrosia of The Purple Booker hosts Teaser Tuesday. To play along, grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Then go see Ambrosia to link up and […]


Suzie’s House 536 : Courtesy Call

Drew watched Vin call in the incident. In fact, Vin dragged Drew into the den and used the speaker phone to make the call. “You’re saying you saw a dead body in the subject’s camper,” Vin’s contact said. “Are you sure he was dead?”


Golden Circle


For the Long Haul

Mario was tired of his neighbors. He’d moved to Venice several months ago. All their talk of flooding and how to do things annoyed him. They told him he’d never make it as a ferryman. He’d been a truck driver for years and years. Did they really think he didn’t know how to pack a load? Yes, his boat was more tricky, but he could handle it. Or so he thought until he tried to corner too sharp, took on […]


Suzie’s House 535 : Cues

Sophie scooted around so her back was to the arm of the couch and put her feet in Ethan’s lap. Without taking his eyes off the TV he started massaging her arches. Six weeks ago we would never had condescended. Six months ago he wasn’t even around. Now he did it automatically. Thinking about it made her smile.


Thingvellir National Park

Thingvellir is known for two things. First, and foremost to me, is that this is where a major rift between the Eurasian tectonic plate and the North American tectonic plate is opening up. In other words, the world is tearing itself apart here. Each continent is determined to go it’s own way. Between them, the Earth’s Mantle is dangerously close to the crust. Iceland in general is covered in lava. In this particular spot, it is welling up, then splitting […]



Matt got off the train in LA. The vaulting stone work in the station creeped him out. People moved through it as if perfectly safe with tons of rock over head. Idiots! Lunatics! Any minute now the ceiling could come tumbling down and all would be lost! The hair on the back of his neck lifted. He ran for the exit, but stopped long enough to shout. “Run! The building is falling!” “Crazy.” The people nearest shook their heads. Everyone […]


Suzie’s House 534 : Back to the Crib

Emma didn’t want to go home. You’d think after so long she’d either get over it or not feel it anymore – that reluctance to go to the place she was supposed to belong. And she did belong. Mostly. But here she was shuffling her feet as she made her way from Gene’s house. It felt like she’d been kicked out of her real home even though she never slept there or left things there or anything. It wasn’t really […]


Wool Factory
