Categotry Archives: Flash


Getting cheated feels like Missing the first step at the top of the stairs foot hovering over air, heart thumping, pain awaiting. How bad will the fall be? What can be salvage? Then every step to the bottom is another chance to be hurt. Clinging to the railing and feeling Like such a fool. Such an idiot. And from then on, the whole world is a staircase. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story […]


You Can

“I can’t, I can’t” chanting in her head made her trip and fall, stop, and stall. All it needed were baby steps but the thought of moving forward scared her so badly she could only tip and fall, stop, and stall. Mountains could be reduced to mole hills one step at a time, if she would just stop tripping and falling stopping and stalling. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 […]


Hearts Trump Shadows

Bring your heart to the table. The world has become dark and mean because so many chose to leave theirs on the nightstand. Don’t put it on your sleeve. No one wants to see it there. Just bring it to your face when you’re out and about, and have it handy when we meet. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a […]


Into the Breach Once More

I don’t always want for you to jump into the breach just because I pointed it out. Sometimes, I want to think out loud. Maybe, together, we can find a bridge or some other way around. But always, you must take action. My love, please reconsider. Before you risk your life for me, lets talk. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, […]


Made in Russia

I always thought my air was re-breathed in the Amazon. Not so, I’ve heard. It’s Russia with the pristine forests lending their oxygen to my lungs. Even as I watch the forest fires decimate my woods, I have to wonder why my air isn’t Made in America. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.



The time to go is early, or late. By noon the pools are full and the seating dear and all the margaritas are melting like wayward snowmen. Early, all the vacationers are nursing hangovers and late they are partying in town. Go at either time and the only people in the way of leisure are cabana boys. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by […]


Puppy Love

“He’s back! He’s Back! He’sBack! He’sbackhe’sbackhe’sback!” Puppy ran as fast as he could to G-man. “Were you worried because I was gone so long? I just had to kick some azz.” G-man popped the top of his favorite brew and settled down – gently – for a round of puns. Puppy crawled under his chair and covered his ears. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is […]


Ugly Undies

Galen is home now, but still not up to running the Fiction Friday 55 hub. Still, I’m in the mood. So here’s a super short one. . White, frayed, over-sized, every pair of underwear in her drawer turned her stomach. An important day, she couldn’t stand the thought of any of these bunching up under her nylons. So… she went without.


Looking Down from Above

“It’s all right, baby. She’s gone on to a better place. But she hasn’t left you behind. I’m sure she’s looking down on you from above.” The boy shivered. “Just when I thought she couldn’t spy on me anymore.” The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.



It was supposed to be beautiful. She wouldn’t let him touch her until they were married, because only when consecrated could their relationship be beautiful. He did all he could to make it right for her, but in the end, a simple ceremony can’t make a grunt sound like a song. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the […]


Like a Fake Book on the Shelf

“What are you supposed to do with this,” asks Daughter. She holds up a jar of crystallized ginger. “Um… eat it,” Mom answered. “What? Just like this?” “Sure. Try some.” Mom pours out a handful. “Yum. But if you aren’t supposed to cook it first, why is it in the spice rack?” “Because I never found out what you’re really supposed to do with it.” Mom grinned. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story […]


55 – “I Am From Poem” by Ben

Ben’s English teacher assigned a series of writing assignments to the class. This is Ben’s first effort. In this one, he was supposed to write a poem that begins “I am from” (For those who don’t know, Ben is a fictional character in the Suzie’s House series.) I am from a dad who tried to kill somebody and ended up in jail and a mom who is more interested in adopting my best friend than in making my birthday cake. […]


Cab Driver

I don’t remember his name. He gave me a ride from the Romance Writers of America convention to the airport. He barely spoke English, having haled from Shri Lanka, but insisted on filling the silence with as many of my words as he could. To get them, he had to talk too, and so we argued the nature of love, devotion, and Romance. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. […]


55 – When They are Young

She: Stop it! We’ll get caught. He: Oh, come on, Baby. We’re consenting adults. Why can’t we? She: Because the kids are home. They’ll ask questions. He: Who knew we’d have more trouble getting it on when we’re married than we did as teenagers? The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.


55 – The Next Turn

It’s always the bend in the road that keeps him driving. On the long straight-aways, he can see that there is nothing waiting for him; no new discovery, no returning friend, no unexpected bakeries. But curves hide many things. They are full of tempting potential. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.
