Thursday Thirteen #20: Writing Positives

Did you see Wednesday's blog?

It was suggested last week that I might be dwelling on the negative about my writing. I don’t see it that way. A mistake is just a mistake. So long as I fix it, who cares if I messed up? No one but me needs to see my rough drafts. Well, except for Suzie’s House, but we aren’t going there. Right?

So anyway, here’s a list of positive things about my writing.

1. Even when it’s torture, I still enjoy doing it. Perverse, I know, but there it is.

2. Now and then I get compliments. Lately, a lot of compliments. THANK YOU!

3. I love it when I can come back to an old manuscript fully expecting to have to do some hard-core pruning and discover I don’t need to.

4. The Flow – I am seriously addicted to the flow. By the flow, I mean when the work takes me so far out of my own head I’m barely aware of the actual effort of typing or story structure and am completely immersed in the story. Then the words just come pouring out.

5. My characters may have similarities to one another, but they are each distinct individuals with their own quirks, intentions, and over-all personalities. It wasn’t always that way.

6. I enjoy reading what I write much more now than I did a few years ago. Not that I always like what I wrote, just that I dislike it less.

7. Writing gives me a good excuse to do research.

8. If I ever actually sell any of my writing, I can start deducting the cost of research. Castles of Europe here I come!

9. Writing gives me a good excuse to read. It’s research, right? I need to do lots and lots of it. Ok, so maybe I shouldn’t count the paranormal romances as I haven’t written one yet, but you never know….

10. My efforts to improve my writing and get published has lead me to some interesting places on the Internet – including doing my own blog.

11. My blog, which is supposed to be presenting me to the world as a writer (yeah, right) has given me a great excuse to play with dolls. 😀

12. It has also given me some common ground with some totally cool people who have since become friends.

13. I have proven I’m no quitter. I might be all kinds of idiot to still be writing regularly after all these years, but I clearly am not a quitter.

Jennifer McKenzie
Kimberly Menozzi
Paige Tyler
Debbie Mumford
Gwen Mitchell

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