Thursday Thirteen #23 :Sounds from around the house

[Due to problems with WordPress, the photo will have to be added later.]

I was sitting around in my office, thinking about what to blog about today when I heard a lound thud from the next room. I still don’t know what it was. But I do know what a lot of the other sounds I hear are.

1.  Rattle, rattle, scrape, thunk, crash  –  I thought it was the hamster escaping from his cage, but it turned out to be Mr. Al coming home from work.  I still don’t know exactly why he made all that noise, but I’m glad I didn’t have to catch the hamster.2.  Screee-clunk, screee-clunk,  scree-clunk  –  If you don’t carefully latch the screen door, the wind will whip it around.  The worn-out piston that’s supposed to keep it from slamming goes scree as the screen door opens.  The clunk is when it slams again.

3.  Mystery music.  I’d like to blame this on the neighbors, but often their lights are all off when I hear it late at night.  I wander through the house listening, and can never figure out where it’s coming from.

4.  Chirp, twitter twitter, chirp.  Birds make their nests under the awning.

5.  Rattle, rattle, fwap.  Mr. Al turning the newspaper.

6.  Fwoomp, rattle rattle, fizz.  Mr. Al pouring a glass of soda pop.

7.  Clackilty, clackity, clack.  Me typing.  I do a lot of that.

8. Clack.  Clack.  Pause.  Clack.  Mr. Al typing.

9.  Whhhhhrrrrrrrrrr.  The computer running.

10.  Whomp.  Screee.  Whoooooosh.  The furnace coming on.  Hmmm.  Maybe I should do something about that.

11.  Rrrrrrorrrrrrrr.   Cars passing.  We get a fair amount of that for such a small town.

12.  Creeeeeeeek.  Someone trying to sneak up on me.  Hah!  Like I couldn’t tell.

13.  Boom.  “Hi Mom!”  The kids coming home from school.




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