Categotry Archives: Totally Random Picture

I’m Back!

I’ll be around to read your blogs in the next day or so. In a some cases, I’ve already been and read, but found due to problems with blogger’s form set ups and password issues with I was unable to leave comments. Now that I’m back on my desktop I feel more in control. I can actually get around and do the things I want to do. Yay! So of course the first thing I did on getting home […]



“I am weird, aren’t I?” The high school girl put her books in her locker while talking to the boy at the locker next to her. “I mean, sometimes I feel like an alien. I really do.” When at last she stopped yammering and left he let his antennae come out so he could beam another SOS to the mother ship. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction […]


Lost Track

I… Um… get around a little bit. I mean I tend to visit a fair number of blogs. Now and then I will plan on going back to see something, but forget who posted the thing I’m interested in. This happened early last week, when someone mentioned they were writing something that looked like it might be a serial suitable for The Serialists. I didn’t have enough time to check it out when I ran across it, then couldn’t figure […]


13 Pictures of Flowers

I’m still not ready to say good bye to summer. There is still a lot I’d like to do – like paint the exterior of the house – that require warm weather. But the trees are all turning, so I guess I better accept that Fall is here. As a send off, here are pictures I took of flowers over the course of Summer From around town: 1.


Eggshells Underfoot

“When did I become so easily frightened,” Jessie said as she shifted her hair to cover bruises she never talks about. “I used to be so good at reading people. Now…” She shakes her head. The hair slides forward, covering all but her frown. “Sometimes I think I’ll never be sure of myself again.” The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a […]


13 Things on my To Do List

1. Write. I’ve been doing a 100 words per day for 100 days challenge. I’ve got five weeks to go. It doesn’t sound like much, but sitting down to write some fiction every single day for 100 days can be a challenge.


13 Random Pictures



Staying Strong

He came to us because too many friends said he would be happier, friendlier, safer, better with a little therapy. We gave him a questionnaire. Every answer said he was happy. We asked him the same questions. Every answer said he was fine. We sat down to talk, just talk and he burst into tears. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, […]


Sign of the Times

“What is the world coming to,” Grandma used to say. The news at 6, the latest fashions, the shift in the cultural paradigm. For everything, a grunt and a shake of the head. I laughed. It’s just the way of the world. But now, I too, have come to wonder. “What’ll they come up with next?” The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the […]


A Random 13

1. I spent yesterday (Wednesday) carpet cleaning. 2. That’s a lie. I hired my son to do it, then helped him with it. 3. Even though I didn’t do the worst of it, my hands hurt from gripping. 4. There are three area rugs I’d love to do before returning the machine, but there’s no way I could clear them off enough to make it worth the effort before my 24 hours are up. 5. Mr. Al is feeling under […]


Stolen Milk

Usually she waits until the bowl is abandoned to jump on the table and have her way with the milk. But sometimes, over-bold, she tries to take it from a lap. She acts as though she only wanted petting, then makes a play for the bowl. Then Miss Kitty finds herself in the cold with no milk at all. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is […]


Little Girl, Little Girl

She stood with her back against the red brick of a down-town shop eyes on an arguing couple. After a few minutes, she walked right between them. “No one knows I am here,” she said. “I am ninja. You can’t see me.” She walked away, oblivious to all the bewildered gazes that followed. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host […]


Talking to Walls

Can I confess to you? I know we hardly know one another. You are always busy and so am I, And maybe that’s the problem. I’ve outrun my life – left behind all connection to friends and family until there is nothing left but this hollow house and the cats. And a career that is too gone-to-seed for future glory. Now, I have little to say, but maybe if I tell you all about it something will come up. The […]


13 Totally Random Words

Who, me short on ideas for lists? What gives you that idea? 1. Random 2. Drawing 3. Art 4. Guy 5. Gal 6. Herself 7. Reflexive 8. Mirror 9. Lake 10. Excalibur 11. Sword 12. Play 13. Theater Whewh! I made it. 🙂


You Can

“I can’t, I can’t” chanting in her head made her trip and fall, stop, and stall. All it needed were baby steps but the thought of moving forward scared her so badly she could only tip and fall, stop, and stall. Mountains could be reduced to mole hills one step at a time, if she would just stop tripping and falling stopping and stalling. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 […]
