13 Things on my To Do List

1. Write. I’ve been doing a 100 words per day for 100 days challenge. I’ve got five weeks to go. It doesn’t sound like much, but sitting down to write some fiction every single day for 100 days can be a challenge.

2. Read. I’m critiquing a book for a friend. I’m a very, very slow reader and the process is made slower by the need to think and comment as I go. It’s taking me forever.

3. Schedule and ultrasound as my annual GP visit was inconclusive.

4. Go in for a mammogram. I was hoping to skip this year, but my doctor is pushing for it.

5. Switch around all the pills in my pill box because all my prescriptions have changed.

6. Read through some insurance papers. This slow reader thing is such a drag.

7. Send in my ballot. Guess I should have been listening to the debates.

8. Get my camera fixed.

9. Work in a crazy quilt that is about two thirds done.

10. Put everything back in the shed. I took it all out to paint the boards which were starting to smell moldy.

11. Vacuum. Seems everyone else in the house is allergic to the vacuum cleaner.

12. Get new glasses. It’s gotten so I can’t tell if the vacuum picked anything up or not because the stupid bifocals are always at the wrong angle for me to see what I’m going over.

13. Get my printer fixed so I can print out this list.


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