Categotry Archives: Mention Monday

On Ensemble

Mr. Al and I went to an On Ensemble concert this weekend. I loved it! We got front row tickets, which turned out to be way too close as the skirt of the stage was within kicking distance, but the band was set up far enough back not to be intimidating. Which is not to say they weren’t overwhelming. What a great band! Those of you who know of my predilection for drums and for music that isn’t exactly mainstream […]



You know you’re getting old when you need more than one pair of glasses. I guess I’m getting there because I’ve had it with my “progression” bifocals and I elected to get distance and reading glasses. Now if only the suckers had some common ground that included my computer monitor. No such luck. Apparently I need a third pair of glasses for the difference. It all started when my old glasses fell apart in my hand. I had just washed […]


Introducing Faire Miscellany

You many have noticed that the name of my Etsy store had changed. It went from Alice’s Etsy Store to Faire Miscellany. The reason for this is that The Girl and I have become partners in selling our handicrafts. We are gearing up for a fair where we will be selling from a booth. Over the next few weeks you will see not only more of her earrings, but some of my sewing efforts. No quilts this time. I’m still […]



The Girl is still loosing baby teeth even though she’s already in high school. She lost one recently that had us worried. It spontaneously broke. It wasn’t smashed or jostled or anything. The only thing is that it dried out. Seems to me a tooth shouldn’t fall apart just because it gets dry. We took it to the dentist and asked about it. She said she had no idea why it did that, but she wasn’t concerned because the teeth […]



On Saterday, Novroz introduced me to this band. Actually, she just dropped their name, but that’s enough for me. I youtubed them right away. This is the first video I pulled up.



We’ve had some unusual visitors lately. They are scattered all over town. Ok, I’ll admit, deer aren’t really all that unusual out here. The woods are full of them, and you see them on the highway entirely too often. But generally you don’t see them wandering around from yard to yard downtown. In fact, I’ve gone years without having a single deer wander into my yard. This year they are all over town. I have no idea why. It hasn’t […]


On Muses and Basements

I don’t have a muse. I have a basement. I throw things into the basement, and when I hear something thumping around I open the door. Then I run all over the house trying to capture whatever crawled out. Usually it’s either Romantic Suspense or Science Fiction. Sometimes it’s an Historical Romance. Sometimes it’s a total surprise – a painting or part of a song. In the case of Suzie’s House, I don’t wait for thumping, I just stand in […]


The End – or is it

I tend to be a little manic about completing rough drafts once I start writing them. This probably comes from the book I spent twenty years unsuccessfully writing. I repeatedly started revising it before completing the rough draft and eventually had to give the whole thing an ignoble burial. But sometimes the process is messing. In the case of my current WIP, the process is complicated by the existence of a previous book in the series and the plans for […]


Am I Right to Think This Could Mean Trouble?

I got sucked in again.


Lazy Day

I’ve got plenty to do, but all I feel like is kicking back with some video games and vegging out. I think it’s because the holidays are so high-pressure. This is actually a good time to kick back because in about a month it’ll be the beginning of tax season and I’ll be busy again. Not looking forward to it this year. Corporate taxes. Think I’ll write a book instead. How about you? Got something to look forward to? Feel […]


I’m Back!

I’ll be around to read your blogs in the next day or so. In a some cases, I’ve already been and read, but found due to problems with blogger’s form set ups and password issues with I was unable to leave comments. Now that I’m back on my desktop I feel more in control. I can actually get around and do the things I want to do. Yay! So of course the first thing I did on getting home […]


Offline. Back in Seven

Due to the lack of a reliable laptop, I will be unable to get online regularly for about a week. I could fight it, begging and borrowing from family members at odd moments, but I can not guarantee I will be able to get my posts up, and frankly, it’s a lot of work at a time when I’d like to be kicking back and enjoying the last fully-attended get together I’m likely to see for a while. So, I’m […]


Thousand Dollar Kitty

Last fall one of my cat’s suffered a hit and run. We didn’t find out about it until the vet who received him from animal control saw our lost cat notice on Craig’s List. It was three days between his disappearance and our finding him. In that time nothing was done about his injuries. We ended up paying a thousand dollars to rebuild his hip and put pins in the broken bones in one front paw. The vet made it […]


And the Curtains Rise

Success! I know it doesn’t look like much, but I finally got the curtains done on five windows. This is a project that has been hanging over my head for well over a year. Everyone in the family was betting me to get them done. I’ve put them off for things like making the trailer fixed up enough to sell (When the ladder I needed was out of the house). This time I had to have the ladder in the […]


I Did It!

Well, sort of. I was working on one of those Sword and Sorcery Fantasy type books, the big honking ones that can go five or six hundred pages. It takes at least 100,000 words to finish off one of those, and as you can see by my statistics, I only did about half that. I had to really push to get that much done, too, as I had neglected to do any prep work, and had no outline for any […]
