Introducing Faire Miscellany

You many have noticed that the name of my Etsy store had changed. It went from Alice’s Etsy Store to Faire Miscellany.


The reason for this is that The Girl and I have become partners in selling our handicrafts. We are gearing up for a fair where we will be selling from a booth. Over the next few weeks you will see not only more of her earrings, but some of my sewing efforts.

No quilts this time. I’m still in the middle of making one for myself. I can’t believe I’ve been doing them this many years and never did get around to making one for myself. It’s almost done, but to expect any others in less than a year would be naive.

Instead, I’m making hats and gloves and cloaks and tunics, and bodices – Renascence Fair type stuff. What I’ve finished so far is kind of cool, but I don’t have pictures yet. I’ve had a heck of a time with pictures

This all has to fit in with Tax Season and some revision work, so the listings might be slow to appear. But there will be more and more as we go.

Unless, of course, they sell to fast. 😉


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