Categotry Archives: Mention Monday

The Straw Hat

I am fairly proud of my ability to pack. I know how to reinforce things so they are not as vulnerable, and how to condense clothing so it takes up less space but doesn’t turn into a completely wrinkled mess. So when I bought the straw hat, I knew it was going to be a challenge to get it home, but I expected to be up to the task. First, I wore it a lot. For two thirds of the […]



I was going to talk about straw hats today, but last night was the blood harvest full eclipsed moon and I have a new-to-me lens. Yep, I’ve got a 55 to 100 zoom that I had never tried before. While Mr. Al was running around with his telescope, I went out to try out my lens. Here’s what I got. This one was the first one I took. Notice the tree line along the bottom of the moon? It was […]


Traveling with the Lifestyle Balance Diet

Just because I was traveling didn’t mean I wasn’t supposed to continue with the Lifestyle Balance program. Luckily for me it just so happened that the regular meetings dropped from once a week to once a month by the time I left for Indonesia. I only missed one of them. As to everything else….



I suppose the place to start talking about my vacation is at the beginning. It didn’t go well. We arrived at the Salt Lake City airport in plenty of time. Unluckily, we made the mistake of using Delta’s Priority check in. We’d have been better off with the machines.


Home Again – AKA The Apocalypse

I had a great trip. It was exciting, and entertaining, and a time or two a little trying. I suppose some people might even think it was maybe a little dangerous. Yeah, the Komodo Dragons were NOT behind a fence. We were walking freely through their home. Yet I never got the feeling of impending doom. Then I went home.


Best Laid Plans of Mice and Me

I’m back! I made a bunch of promises I couldn’t keep. I’m very sorry. First, I promised to keep visiting and commenting on your blogs. I did visit, but I was blocked from commenting over and over. More about that in a minute. Second I promised to have a new Suzie’s House posted every Wednesday. Although I did have them written ahead, I ran into some technical glitches. If I’d had a bit more time I could have overcome the […]



It’s official. I’m not here now. Since I’m writing this ahead of time, I can’t really tell you where I am. According to the itinerary, I should be in Jakarta. Unless I’m reading it wrong. Seems to me there should be a crossing of the dateline in there somewhere. I could probably figure it out, but then I could be wrong because of the volcanoes. Apparently they’ve been erupting lately. It’s not exactly an uncommon occurrence for them as the […]


Straps Are Totally Cool

Seriously. Get a load of this sucker. A little inch and a half width strap held down what felt like a ton of scaffolding. I was more worried about the whole dang truck flipping over on the curves than the straps coming loose. I’ve seen these puppies around before. I even inherited one from some passing hippie, but never knew how they worked. I mean, I could tell there was a ratcheting thing going on and it isn’t hard to […]



If you squint at the picture above you can see a brown sign to the left of the fire danger sign that has an arrow pointing to the right. It’s supposed to be a trail head marker. But it’s pointing at a wall.


Straps and Dragons

Well, I was going to talk about straps today. I mean the kind you use to attach a load to a pickup, not the kind on a shirt. I even have it mostly written up. But I didn’t get around to taking any pictures. Nor do I have any pictures of the finished window. So instead I thought I’d talk about vacations and dragons. Specifically Komodo type dragons. Only in Java instead of Komodo. In a few weeks I will […]


Lost and Found

Clear back in May I loaned my cell phone to The Girl. She promptly lost it. I mean, really prompt. As in I gave it to her the night before an overnight field trip, and the next morning she couldn’t find it. We found it last week. In all that time all the people who wanted to reach me through that number couldn’t. I ended up getting a new phone. Then I had to piece together all my old contacts. […]


High Places

Last Monday I talked about putting in a new window. I thought I’d talk a little more about the project. The window is replacing a door in an old house. This in and of itself isn’t so hard. We simply built in the studs the way we would with a new construction and sized it for the size of the window, filling in the area where the door once was. The problem is the height. The door in question lead […]


Modern Window

I’m installing a window in a place where there used to be a door. It’s a bit of a challenge both because I’ve never installed a window before and because it’s on the second above a bad surface. Yet I am approaching the task with some confidence. I’m doing it because of the internet. Used to be when faced with something like this I would run to the library, dig out a bunch of books, struggle with the jargon, and […]



The Girl has safely made it through high school. She is now looking for a job. During the ceremony, I think I was feeling more free, happy, and excited than she was. She is my youngest child. In a way, I also graduated. I am looking forward to the “empty nest” stage of my life. For the last couple of years I have been looking forward to this moment with mixed feelings. I thought I might be lonely once she’s […]


How Is the Weather?

Somehow I end up asking this every so often. I tend to think of it in a climate-changing way; as if I personally could track the global changes by asking my friends how it’s going in their neck of the woods. I’d probably know more if I actually paid attention to national news, as in the kind you watch on TV. Not going to happen. I’d rather ask my friends what’s up. So I guess it’s flooding in Texas right […]
