Straps and Dragons

Well, I was going to talk about straps today. I mean the kind you use to attach a load to a pickup, not the kind on a shirt. I even have it mostly written up. But I didn’t get around to taking any pictures. Nor do I have any pictures of the finished window. So instead I thought I’d talk about vacations and dragons. Specifically Komodo type dragons. Only in Java instead of Komodo.

In a few weeks I will be jetting off to Bali and Java. I’m pretty excited about this upcoming trip. Or maybe I should say worried.

Though I’ve been working my butt off – literally – I’m still a long ways from my youthful health and vigor. When I went to Mongolia I was shocked to find that I really was at the back of the pack when we went hiking. I’m tired of getting left in the dust by a bunch of 70 year olds!

So I was looking over the trip itinerary. That’s when I discovered a new fear. Apparently we will be walking around in the near vicinity if the Java equivalent of Komodo dragons. Supposedly you are perfectly safe so long as nobody is bleeding.

Did I mention the time in the Galapagos when we went to look at a shark then realized I’d cut myself on the coral and was bleeding? I hope there aren’t any thorny bushes near the dragons because I’m sure to get snagged.

Well, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. In the meanwhile, I’ll get cracking on the photos of packing straps.


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