Categotry Archives: Talk To Me Tuesday

A Spammer

Last Thursday I posted a list of some of the spam that has tried to insinuate it’s way into the comments on my blog. In that list was simply a number. Today I’m going to talk all about that number. The number is This is a number that marks a particular person, the one who is sending me the most spam. I took that number to a site that can match it up with the the person’s personal information. […]


Washing the Baseboards

Do you wash your baseboards? I have, on rare occasions, bent over and rubbed off a spot on my baseboards. Outside of painting them when I’m doing the rest of the room, that’s about it. Not that I think washing them is a waste of time, though if I caught myself doing it I’d know I was avoiding a difficult bit of writing. Merely that I never look at them, and don’t think about them. Seriously, if it takes me […]



A while back I discovered the internet radio station site called Pandora. They let you build your own station by selecting songs or artists that have the qualities you want in your music. This is a great idea, but I’m finding it a bit frustrating. They way they work is to give labels to various characteristics of each song. For instance, Blackbird by The Beatles has these elements:


The Internet Age

This is supposed to be read from right to left, top down. So, I was pretending to myself that I was writing Suzie’s House last Thursday and procrastinated by reading 1/2 Prince (above.) If you look very closely between the second and fourth frames you will see a little translator’s note about the song Prince sings. It dawns on me that popping over to YouTube to see it for myself wouldn’t be very hard, and I couldn’t remember how the […]


CARS Program

Today is the last day in which you can take advantage of the government cash-for-junkers buy back program. Unless they extend it again. The combination of a burned out motor, the CARS program, and the price of gas had me looking at vehicles in a way I hadn’t before. Where before it was all wishful thinking, now it got serious. I needed a car. Not just any car. Not a car based on my tastes and preferences. Going by that […]


Are you on Facebook?

I know, I know. First Twitter, now Facebook. What is my world coming to? Madness and mayhem if the last couple of days are any indication. I have no idea how Facebook managed to draw out so many friends for me, but I’m having fun with it. Are you on Facebook? If so, Friend me. I’m a friendly sort.


Michael Jackson Autopsey Pictures

Content Warning: not for the squeamish.


Age Freeze

I finished reading Twilight recently. I blame Andi for making me read it in the first place. It got me to thinking. If you were going to get yourself turned into a vampire on purpose and could pick the age you would be, what age would you pick? So of course I asked my family what they would pick. The Girl Girl was quick to pipe up the the answer I would expect most. She said in her early 20’s, […]


Frontier Airline’s Baggage Rules

I’m ticked off enough to name names this time. I flew out to the Romance Writer’s of America’s National Convention in Washington DC last Wednesday on Frontier Airlines. The first leg of the trip was normal, but the second leg was over booked. I took a duffel that came to exactly the limit as outlined by Frontier on their website – a total of 49 inches when combining height, width, and length. On the second leg of the trip out […]


Someone Else’s Vacation

How much Cabo San Lucas do you want to see? Isn’t it a regular joke that friends and family will bore you to tears with pictures of their vacation? That or make you envious. I’d just as soon not subject you to either condition. But, Andi said she wanted to see a lot more than the few measly pictures I was able to post so far. How about you? Do you want to hear about my vacation?


This is Where I am Right Now

Playa Grande in Cabo San Lucas It’s a time share in Cabo San Lucas. I am so lucky to have been invited to come here, even if the result is that I am forced to play when I should be working. I borrowed a camera so I could share some of it with you. Yeah, the pictures are muddy. It wasn’t really the best time of day to take them, but I’ll take what I can get. Anyway, how’s it […]


Low Down at the Grocery Store

A couple of days ago Mr. Al went shopping at our local Safeway. He does this a lot, running in for chips and soda, which I rarely buy. On this particular trip they were having a promotional game they called a cake walk. An announcer would count down from ten, then call a number. If you were standing on the right number glued to the floor, you won a prize. This particular prize, some grilling thing or another, was of […]



Did you ever try to get one of those pictures that is much better in your head than it could ever be in real life? Mr. Al and I were out bicycling the other day. He goes much faster than I do. We started up a hill, changed our minds, and headed back to cross the bridge you see here. Half way down the hill I stopped to take a picture and there goes Mr. Al racing across the bridge. […]



I read a fair amount on manga. One of the ones I read regularly is called Team Medical Dragon. In one of the most recent scanlations (scanned translations done by amateurs) the question of medical malpractice came up. A doctor left a needle in the heart of a patient. This could result in a blood clot which in turn could result in a stroke. At first, when the doctor who operated realizes, he asks a colleague to help him go […]


Jump Here

What would you do if you were crossing a pedestrian bridge and ran cross this? Would you ignore it as being in bad taste? The river bellow is deep and swift. Would you point it out to your friends as a great joke? Would you jump up and down in place? What would you think of someone who did?
