The Internet Age

This is supposed to be read from right to left, top down.

So, I was pretending to myself that I was writing Suzie’s House last Thursday and procrastinated by reading 1/2 Prince (above.) If you look very closely between the second and fourth frames you will see a little translator’s note about the song Prince sings.

It dawns on me that popping over to YouTube to see it for myself wouldn’t be very hard, and I couldn’t remember how the song goes, though I am familiar with it. So I did. It took all of two minutes to find and launch.

So I’m sitting there in Montana watching a music video on demand that depicts things you don’t really see much of around here after having been sent by an amateur translation of a Chinese graphic novel which my daughter had introduced me to. In fact, it was The Girl who recommended the web site we frequent after a friend from school told her about it last Fall.

Speaking of whom, she popped into the room while the video was playing and asked what I was doing. Before I could finish my explanation she was saying, “Yeah, yeah. I did the same thing this morning when I read 1/2 Prince.”

It occurs to me none of this would in any way be a part of my life before I started “surfing the web.” Now many of my friends I met online or keep in touch with through email. I save a bundle on submissions when I can avoid snail mail. And I read Chinese literature and watch old music videos for free. Fifteen years ago? Unimaginable.

Has the internet had an impact on your world? How has it colored your life?


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