Categotry Archives: Talk To Me Tuesday


more animals I’ve never been good at figuring this out. What do you do when your kids tell you lies? I’ve kind of assumed that having my kids try to get out of things by not telling the truth – things like “No, I don’t have any homework tonight” – was simply part of being a kid. I try my best not to accuse them falsely, and to at least make them realize I’m aware of when they are in […]


Can I Ignore It?

Any time a medical problem comes up, this is my first question. Can I get away with ignoring it? Is it going to kill me if I just work around it? Most of the time the answer is yes. Is this time the same? Here’s what I’ve got: It’s a psychedelic little swirl a bit smaller than this and not so clearly defined that keeps catching my attention. I don’t notice it all the time; mostly when I’m looking at […]


Mystery Leak

I have some sort of leak going. In a regular house I’d have a good idea where it was coming from and what to do about it, but in a mobile home, I’m baffled. Water coming up through the floor in weird places. First it was the closet pictured above. I traced that to a dishwasher two rooms away. Now it’s in the hall. There is no basement for it to be coming up. It might somehow be making it’s […]


The Kids Made Me Do It

more animals They made me play in the snow with them. They threatened to bring it into the house if I didn’t go out and slide down their hill. They had a snowball fight going by the time I got out there. It was scary. When was the last time someone forced you to play in the snow? Did you like it? Do you miss it? Personally, I recommend it – for a minute or two anyway.


Where You Going?

more animals Mr.Al and I are staying with my mother right now. We’re going to spend New Years Eve at an Indian restaurant and eat curry, and catch a movie. It’s what we do every year. You weren’t planning on going anywhere today, were you? Do you go to visit with family over the Holidays? If so, do you stay for more than a day? Do you stay over New Years? How do you ring the New Year in?


What Is It With Cats and Christmas Trees?

more animals What is it with cats and Christmas trees? My son actually wants to know the answer to this. He seems to think it has to do with the way a pine tree smells. I think it has more to do with blinking lights and fun things that make loud noises when they get knocked to the floor. What do you think? Do you have cats? Do they go nuts for Christmas trees? What do you do about it?


How Cold Are You?

Check out my screen door: Not real impressive? Look closer. What does your screen door look like?


Rip Off or Not?

I found this orange in the middle of a bag of oranges that Albertsons offered at a discount. It was the only one in the bag like it, and the bag offered a dollar off. I figure the orange, which I simply threw away, cost a little over a dollar by itself. I figured driving down to the store could cost almost that much in gas anyway, so I didn’t try to get my money back. My question is, should […]


Word Choices – Living Room.

I am sick and tired of the phrase “living room.” Much of what I write takes place indoors. Whether we are talking about apartments, cottages, or mansions, my characters inhabit the public parts of private spaces. I end up talking about living rooms a lot. I could grab a thesaurus and simply pick a few words, and have done so a time or two, but I usually end up right back to living room. So, what I want to know […]


What Do You Do With Them?

The Boy went out the window last night. He went because he was grounded and didn’t want to be. Not that he had anything special going on. No, it was plain old cussedness that got him, and it got him bad enough that he actually spent the night in the car. It took me a while to figure out where he went. Of course I was going nuts. Worse, I kept thinking that if he wouldn’t honor the requirements of […]


The Gypsy Queen

No, it’s not a Halloween costume. Remember a while back when I bought too much fabric? This skirt is one of the first things I made with it. The Girl loves it. She even thought of pairing it with the tie-die T-shirt. I think they go great together in a Bohemian sort of way. Mr. Al took one look and dubbed her the Gypsy Queen. The thing is, she’s wild and crazy enough without with the wild and crazy outfit. […]


Early Jack-O-Lanterns

I bought some pumpkins for pie in September. The Girl got a hold of them. Now there is no chance they will ever be turned into pie, which might be a good thing since I’ve never done it from scratch before, and didn’t really know what I was doing anyway. But still. It was weird having miniature Jack O Lanterns on the porch in the middle of September. Now it’s October and I have to buy pumpkins all over again. […]


Bike Path

There’s a bike path running along I 93 from Lolo to Frenchtown. It impresses the heck out of me. It’s only a dozen miles, but there aren’t many houses or businesses along the way, yet I frequently see people running, cycling, or walking along it. They hardly ever come equipped, not even a water bottle in hand. My first thought is always, “Don’t they get thirsty?” The thing is I keep looking at this path and thinking I’d like to […]



I bicycled down to the post office Monday morning with the intention of checking my PO Box for the very first time. I got the thing a month ago, but have been slow to get my changes of address info out. As a result, I had to look up the number, and didn’t remember which key on my chain went to it. How embarrassing. See, the thing was that trying different keys on my chain didn’t work. There were plenty […]


Do You Remember When?

A friend of mine is having some trouble with motherhood right now. She’s on her second child, and is finding it hard going. Lack of sleep and stress are riding her. I remember those days vividly, but in a strange way. It’s almost like a favorite movie as much as my real past. I keep thinking there are things I must have blanked out. If you’ve had kids, do you remember how you dealt with the early years? What kinds […]
