Word Choices – Living Room.

I am sick and tired of the phrase “living room.” Much of what I write takes place indoors. Whether we are talking about apartments, cottages, or mansions, my characters inhabit the public parts of private spaces. I end up talking about living rooms a lot.

I could grab a thesaurus and simply pick a few words, and have done so a time or two, but I usually end up right back to living room.

So, what I want to know is what words do YOU use when talking about that part of your home? Do you have more than one, like a parlor and a rumpus room? Do you ever call it a lounge, then have someone look at you funny? What do you think of people who call it a den? Or is den more of a private thing that you would only invite special people into? Or should I simply have the heroine open the door, then invite the hunk – um… I mean hero – to sit down?


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