Categotry Archives: Day to Day Life

When Should You Complain About Your Doctor?

Mr. Al thinks it should complain now.  I’m not so sure.  And really, my problem is with the receptionist more than with the doctor. See, the doctor said I had to see a specialist, and that the specialist in question would have his office contact me to set up an appointment.  It never happened.  So I called today to let my doctor know the specialist’s office didn’t call, which is what my doctor told me to do, and to see […]


Suzie On Hold

I didn’t make it.  Can you tell?  I’m sorry but Suzie is going to have to wait until next Friday when Suzie’s House will make it’s regularly scheduled appearance. In other news, I got my samples in and am feeling much better.  Still no appointment for the cysts, but I’m not too worried.  One of the pains is completely gone and the other not bothering me much.  I’m going to go work on Suzie now.  Anyone got anything in particular they’d […]


Drawing Lines

I’m in the bathroom trying to come up with a sample for my doctor to analyze, and thinking about the ovarian cyst they found yesterday.  Hmmm…. sounds like this is going to be one of those Too Much Information posts.  For the squeamish, don’t worry, it doesn’t get much worse than this. Back to the potty, I’m thinking “What if I have to have the ovary removed?”  I’m not planning on having any more kids, and have a spare ovary.  […]



Goal for today – have a bowel movement Goal for tomorrow – see if my doctor can figure out why this stupid bowel movement put me in the hospital for 10 hours. Alice



I’m reading Ahead of the Game by Suzann Ledbetter which has the following passage (p.34) : Hank just said she’d get back to dating in time.  Zoey replies “No, I won’t.  Not because I’m still hurting.  Actually, I feel guilty for not hurting – not to mention stupid, for not calling it quits a long time ago.  Like before the wedding, when I knew I wasn’t having cold feet but convinced myself that was all it was.” I recently saw a YouTube […]



I had a couple of friends in high school who enjoyed puns.  They would spend minutes, if not hours, competing with one another, trying to come up with puns.  Silliest pun, strangest pun, simplest pun, or best of all worst pun, they got into it. These sessions were often referred to as pun-ishment. The thing about this kind of punning around is that you have to have a certain sensibility to do it.  It isn’t enough to have a twisted […]


Under the Weather

I’m not up to much of a blog today.  My entire family came home from Christmas with a cold.  Naturally, it hit me – the care giver – harder than anyone else.  Yesterday had me in and out of bed several times, and not for anything fun. Luckily my kids are old enough to take care of themselves.  So is my dh, but he was off at work.  So I curled up with Jennifer Crusie and Iris Johansen and tried […]


Welcome Kelly!

Now Kelly has joined us.  She’s at .  Kelly’s also a FF former Avon writer.  Glad to see you in the blogosphere, Kelly! Alice


Family Time

All this togetherness with my family has been great.  We did the shopping thing, the opening of gifts, the big dinner, and the visits with dear old friends.  I still have a couple of days here before I go home.  Boy am I ready!  I miss my online friends.  Sure I could use the library computer, and my mom’s computer, but it isn’t the same.  For one thing, people are always looking over my shoulder while I write.  Much better […]


Christmas Is About To Blindside Me

You heard me.  I’m about to totally lose it.  See, in my mind it was already Christmas.  We have Christmas songs, Christmas cookies, Christmas shopping… which I haven’t done yet.  I forgot that at some point I was going to have to put my blog on hold and actually DO Christmas. That time has come. I’m going to be on the road Friday.  Yes, I mean tomorrow.  I’ll start my shopping as soon as we reach my mother’s house and […]


Tagged for Four Favorites.

Bev tagged me a week ago, but I didn’t realize it.  If she hadn’t left a comment here, it could have been even longer before I found her blog.  It’ll be much easier for you.  Just click on her name. . Four jobs I’ve had: Summer school drama teacher Telemarketer (I also hang up quickly.  Better than letting them think they have a chance if they don’t.) Accountant Music store manager . Four favorite foods: Only four?  But there are so […]


Naughty Joke. Don't Read This.

I get all kinds of things in my email.  Now and then I’m bound to share some of it with you.  Forgive me.  Fred and Mary got married but can’t afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred’s Mom and Dad’s for their first night together. In the morning, Johnny, Fred’s little brother, gets up and has his breakfast. As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his mom if Fred and Mary […]


Attention Span of a Rodent

Let’s play Jeopardy.  The answer is I have the attention span of a rodent.  The questions are: A] Why are my blog posts often short? B] Why can’t I settle on one WIP at a time? C] Why does it take me so long to respond? and D] All the above. . Any guesses? . Alice


Maybe I should have named it Alice's Free Hot Lunch?

To everyone who surfed in looking for the song Alice’s Restaurant,  my apologies.  I don’t have words or music.  When I named my blog Alice’s Restaurant I had no idea people liked to listen to the song on Thanksgiving, or that Alice was a real person who has owned more than one restaurant let alone that she was still alive. But as long as you’re here, why not say hi? . Alice


For Fun

