Categotry Archives: What Are You Reading?

Deathly Hallows

 I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  Wouldn’t you know, I want to talk about it and everybody else has already done their talking!  Darn.  Now I’ll have to go back through my blogroll’s old posts and see if I can figure out who might still want to talk. Alice edited:  Spoiler warning in the comments!!


Potter Mania

Has everyone read the book already?  Do you have your copy yet?  I don’t!  I didn’t get caught up in the media blitz because I don’t get much in the way of media.  Now it’s catching up with me because everyone is blogging about it!  I’m going to have to hurry up and get my copy ASAP because I’m terrified someone will let something important slip before I can read it.  Meanwhile everyone is emailing behind the scenes to discuss […]


Quiet Days

It’s a quiet day today.  Hardly anyone has come by my blog, and not many are likely to.  On days like this I feel a wild urge to do something crazy and say something I shouldn’t.  It’s like being the hair cutting heroine from Susan Elizabeth Phillips book This Heart of Mine. Down, Alice.  Down! Alice


Childless Romance

Romance is all about pair bonding.  Seriously, the entire genre is built around the stage in the life of a man and a woman when they overcome what ever might be preventing them from finding a mate, and forming an attachment to one another.  The attachment is presumed to be permanent, or the story is considered inferior from a genre perspective. From an evolutionary perspective pair bonding is all about reproduction.  So far as the species is concerned the whole […]



I’m reading Ahead of the Game by Suzann Ledbetter which has the following passage (p.34) : Hank just said she’d get back to dating in time.  Zoey replies “No, I won’t.  Not because I’m still hurting.  Actually, I feel guilty for not hurting – not to mention stupid, for not calling it quits a long time ago.  Like before the wedding, when I knew I wasn’t having cold feet but convinced myself that was all it was.” I recently saw a YouTube […]


Tag: Womens Fiction Book Meme

Contemporary, Historical, or Paranormal? All the above!  Seriously, I read them as they come to hand.  I try to read more of whatever type I happen to be writing, but will often simply grab as the mood strikes me. Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? Mass Market Heyer or Austen? Both!  Repeatedly. Amazon or Brick and Mortar? Brick and Mortar when I don’t know what I’m after.  Amazon when I’m after something in particular. Barnes & Noble or […]


Quick Quize I am, of course, Dedicated.  Is there anyone here who isn’t? Alice
