Monthly Archives: March 2014

Lifted Lizards

Jill: That look heavy. Please tell me it’s from Theodor’s lab. Tina: Nope. Jewelry store. Jill: (heavy sigh) I guess it doesn’t matter. Either way it’s probably stolen. Tina: Yep. (grin) It’s a lifted lizard. Previously in Jack and Jill: His Special Place The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “lifted lizards” as suggested by Jannie Funster Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion. The lizard is for sale and […]


A Journey Begins with a Single Step AKA – From Box to Box

He eyed the box. Only a few tissues left, and no chance to buy more before running out. There was another box in the kitchen, A third in the bathroom. Sneeze. Blow. One less tissue. He stood, placed all but one in his pocket, eyed the distance. Could he make it? Grabbed the last. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a […]


13 Nouns and some Adjectives

A little stream of consciousness: 1. cough 2. tired 3. ache 4. whooping-cough 5. death 6. fever 7. sneeze 8. lingering death 9. Medieval 10. dizziness 11. pestilent death 12. hypochondria 13. melodrama Hey, we all have our moments.


Suzie’s House 348 : A Casual Meal

There was something weird going on in the house. Around six o’clock Ben went down stairs to see what happened to supper. He’d just reached the front hall when someone knocked on the door. He opened the door for Lisa and Tracy, who walked right in.


The Serialists for March 12

Featured Author: Novroz, whose story just gets more and more interesting. This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


Thick as Thieves by Grant Fieldgrove p64

I told him about how I snuck into my nosey-neighbor’s house the other day and had the idea to start stealing groceries. My dad’s eyes grew wide and a smile crossed his face. “That’s ingenious,” he told me. “Why didn’t I think of that?” MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail.



I suppose it’s to be expected that I should come down with a cold after a week like last. It’s been going around. Mr. Al went down for the count for three days and the school’s auto-post emails talk about numbers of whooping cough to show up. Yet still, I was unprepared. I’ve certainly had a runny nose often enough, and a cough as well, but half the time I couldn’t tell it from my normal allergies. This time there’s […]


His Special Place

Theodor: Beryllium. Boron. Bromine. Barium…. Jill: What is he doing? Tina: Oh, he likes to do that now and then. He lays on the table and spouts off some nonsense. Apparently it calms him down. He calls it his periodic table. Previously in Jack and Jill: We’re Home The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “periodic table” as suggested by Novroz Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.


In the Spirit of the Moment

“Hey Sven, how many hours we been plowing snow today?” “Twenty two, I reckon.” “Any sign of blacktop yet?” “Nope. Not a bit. And we’re running out of places to put the snow, too.” “Hey, wait. Isn’t that the councilman’s car? The one who cut our overtime?” “Yep. I believe it is.” “Hee, hee, hee.” The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, […]


T13: Pictures of my Neighborhood

1. Apparently someone has cabin fever.


Suzie’s House 347 : Hardly Credible

Why had she done it? Suzie shoved a tray of chocolate chip cookie dough into the oven. In eight minutes they should come out. Surely in that time she could get over her own stupidity. Why had she tried to prove to an interviewer offering a job she didn’t even want that she could use the new version of Quickbooks? More to the point, why couldn’t she? Why had she fumbled so badly through a program she used to know […]


The Serialists of March 5th

Featured Author: Old Egg Who rose above expectations to provide us with another episode last week. Thank’s Robin. This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


Thick as Thieves by Grant Fieldgrove p14

True, every generation has their brainiacs, but throw them in with the population as a whole and they’re drowned out like a man’s silent prayer in a war zone. MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail.


The Weather Again

I’m the first to admit that I talk about the weather entirely too much, but come on. This is getting ridiculous. Up until a week ago I was still worried about our water tables and the lack of snow all winter long.I’m not worried anymore. We got totally dumped on. The schools closed both Friday and Monday. The plows have already chewed through what was left of the city budget in overtime. An avalanche wiped out a house on the […]


Welcome Page Until 3/2/14

I went to Mongolia this summer. It was quite the trip. We flew into Ulaanbaatar first, and made it our central hub. International flights limited us to a total of 44 lb. of luggage. Within Mongolia that limit drops down to 33 lb. So each time we left Ulaanbaatar we would leave one suitcase with part of our stuff and take another. Between each segment of the trip we spent a night at the same hotel. That’s where my only […]
