13 Thanks

Can you come up with 13 things you’re thankful for in 90 seconds? Here’s mine:

1. I’m alive. This one is top of the list most of the time.
2. I’m not in too much pain at the moment. There’s always something hurting, but right now it’s not enough to make #1 go away.
3. I have a great family.
4. I love my husband
5. He loves me back.
6. Same with my kids.
7. I have visited some interesting places.
8. I’ve written some interesting books.
9. I have plenty to eat.
10. If I work at it, I can get enough sleep.
11. I don’t have to spend all day doing things I hate.
12. My roof doesn’t leak.
13. I have reason to believe all of this will continue for a while.

Yep, life is gooooooood.


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