
This week’s focus in my diet program is on adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I was just starting to despair over getting enough verity in my diet to keep me going because of all the foods I’ve had to drop. (cheese – sniffle, sniffle) As if all my food allergies weren’t enough.

So anyway, in a couple of days I ended up cleaning out every item in my food crisper. This called for a trip to the grocery store.

I got the usual – bananas, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, etc. Then I thought I should branch out a bit. I got Napa cabbage. I got it mostly because it’s pretty. I assumed at first that I would be treating it the same as a head of cabbage. And I probably will. But in the process of prepping it for the steamer I noticed it seemed pretty tender. So I gave it a taste. Yep, it’s going to end up in my salads, too.

I didn’t stop there. I found something in the vegetable section I didn’t recognize. Considering I can recognize stuff like leeks and collard greens on sight, I was impressed. So I bought it. My mother would be proud.

That was a challenge considering I used self check out and their system didn’t have it listed at all. After too many attempts to come up with something, the machine called in a human for me. Who knew it could? The human plugged in the code for me.

So…. anyone know what to do with flowering kale?


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