
I still remember times in my youth when I went to places where I could not speak the language. Generally the places in question had to do with Spanish. I recall a certain feeling of helplessness that I overcame over the years.

When I go abroad now, I kind of look for that feeling of helplessness. I’d like to test myself – see if I really have improved in my ability to get what I need in a place where I can’t use language.

Mind you, I always go in a tour group. I’m well aware that I am largely insulated from the local cultures. I rarely have to worry about finding lodging or negotiating the price of food. I get a built-in translator, which is wonderful.

If things keep going the way they have been, I won’t need a translator much longer. English is taking over the world. I found it in the names of businesses in Mongolia, and on billboards in Indonesia. Many times when I went wandering on my own I found people who knew enough English to be able to negotiate a sale.

It’s comforting to know I can communicate in my native tongue all over the world, but it’s kind of disappointing too. My pantomime skills are getting rusty.


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