I Write Like

It’s click bait. Only it’s the way click bait should be, with something of actual interest on the other side of the click.

I happened to notice a button on someone’s blog this weekend. It’s a program that supposedly matches your writing style to that of famous writers.

The first thing I put in was my Friday Fictioneer’s post, “Stairway to Heaven”. The result – I write like Steven King.

Well, I can sort of see that. But I suspect the analysis is at least partly a result of the tone I was going for. So I thought I better try it again.

I put in my entire Candi Sambisara post. Apparently that one is like James Joyce.

Well, that’s not fair either since it isn’t even fiction. And just who am I really like? What could I put in that would be most likely to give an accurate result?

Of course! Suzie’s House. I pasted in the most resent episode. Which would it be? Steven King or James Joyce?

Neither. I write like Margaret Atwood.

The thing is, I’m pretty sure I write like me no matter which post I’m writing. It was fun to play, but I’m giving up on comparing myself to anyone.

I write like
Margaret Atwood

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!


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