
At the end of the our visit to Prambanan Temple Complex, the train let us out near the entrance where we ran into something of a zoo. I can’t say I really considered it a zoo. There were only a few cages. The emu, and some deer seemed to be the only exhibits.

Just how much of an exhibit does there need to be to consider something a zoo? I thought the one we visited in Belize was rinky dink. To be separated from a jaguar by no more than a fence and a sign saying not to stick your fingers through the wire struck my American sensibilities and outlandish. But at least they had a score of cages.

This… I’m not so sure. It felt kind of like they just parked the animals there for lack of a better place to put them.

Not that it mattered. I was still basking in the glow of my new found ability to climb steps.


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