My First Day in the Galapagos

Sorry, no PhotoHunt this week. I just couldn’t get my act together fast enough. Until I get next week’s ready, check out my vacation pictures. Well, some of them anyway. 🙂

We caught a morning flight from Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Baltra.

The airport there is totally different than the one in Atlanta.

From there we rode in a bus the length of Baltra. Apparently Baltra is a pretty dry place, regardless of the season.

The middle is flat, but the road to the sea took a few turns.

From there we caught a ferry to Santa Cruz. See that tan suitcase they were moving from ferry top to ferry top? That’s mine.

Santa Cruz is not normally such a dry place, but it was the dry season. As a result, all the “Holy Trees” on the island went dormant, much as my maple does over winter.

We went right through the town of Ayora Port to the docks.

And from there to our ship. It’s the one to the front and right. Yep, that’s the actual ship I was on.

From there we went to the Charles Darwin Station, but that’ll have to wait for another post.


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