Black Strap Tapioca

1/3 c. sugar
3 T. tapioca
1 T. black strap molasses
2 and 3/4 c. milk
1 egg
1 t. vanilla

Mix the sugar, tapioca, milk, molasses, and egg in a medium saucepan.  Cook on medium heat stirring constantly until mixture comes to a full boil.  Set aside for 15 minutes.  Mix in vanilla.  Serve warm immediately or refrigerate and serve later.
I love the texture and sweetness of tapioca, but flavor?  It has one?

So of course I’ve been playing around with the recipe.  I can guarantee that cinnamon does not do well in tapioca.  I’ve tried it several times and can’t get anyone to eat the results.  Molasses works well.  If you don’t like the bite of black strap, then go with regular molasses or substitute brown sugar for white.  It has a nice, rich taste.  Still a little bland, but better.  This recipe is subject to change.  I’m already eyeing the ginger.




How to Help Make FanLit Forever Stronger.

Although we have enough people behind the scenes keeping the board running, we could still use your help to make FanLit Forever a wonderful place.

For instance, you can let people know we exist.  We need more people.  Not just writers, we need people who are there because they love to read and want to see what we can do.  Tell your online friends.  Put a link to FanLit Forever on your blog.  Mention it on other boards.  Tell those of your face-time friends who might be interested.  Once they’ve come over to see what’s up, a lot of them are going to want to play.

We need participation.  I’m well aware we are all busy most of the time.  We all have real lives that include many demands.  Participation doesn’t have to be all inclusive.  You don’t have to enter every time.  But once in a while would be good.  You don’t have to vote on every single entry.  But a few comments would make a world of difference.  Do what you can, knowing we love you for every little bit.

Keep the right attitude.  So far I have not seen any of the wrong attitude at all.  No one has tried to cheat.  No one has maligned or belittled anyone else.  Everyone has been open, helpful, and supportive, but also honest.  I cannot tell you how valuable that combination is.  Keep it up!

If I can think of any other ways you can help, I’ll certainly let you know.




My FanLit Vision

I mentioned in a couple of places that I had a vision for FanLit Forever, but I don’t think I ever laid it all out.  If fact, I know I couldn’t have because so much has become more clear for me as we’ve gone along.

I want the FanLit Forever site to be first and foremost a community catering to writers.   I think of it as being the cyber equivalent of a really good coffee house; the kind where people hop from table to table without worrying about their welcome.  A friendly coffee house where there’s a small stage with an open mic night.

We don’t have to limit ourselves to Romance, though I expect most of those in it will be because we started off over on Avon.  The way we are set up should be able to handle any genre. Many of us already write more than Romance, and some of us primarily write Mysteries or Fantasy.  I would like to see the challenges open to all genres.

With the various discussion areas and goals board I think we already have a wonderful support system set up.  The publishing world can be cold and harsh.  FanLit Forever doesn’t sugar coat it.  But we do hold one another’s hands as we watch the contest results come in.  And we did not get a single 0 bombing or .5 bandit on any entry.  Not even once.

More than simply a place to hang out, I want FanLit Forever to be an incubator and showcase for talent. 

The game gives us deadlines to get the creative juices flowing, which can spill over into other projects.  As we work with the various premises we can learn what kind of ideas are easy to work with, and what are hard.  This can help us sort through the multitude of ideas we come up with in our other writing efforts.  We can develop our voices, learn marketing technique, and hone our craft.

More, because of the And The Beat Goes On section we can take individual stories that capture our interest and run with them.  We can get some feedback, show off our efforts, create longer works, and maybe even earn a following.

I am hoping eventually we will draw the interest of editors and agents.  Once we get rolling, we should naturally have an appeal to those looking for talent.  After all, in FanLit Forever we can prove to the world we are capable of producing good quality material quickly and regularly.  Isn’t that what the publishing world wants?

It is possible for FanLit Forever to become one of the ways in which to launch a career, much like Romance Writer’s of America Chapter contests.  And much like chapter contests, it can be a great tool for growing as a writer.  Unlike RWA there’s no charge, the feedback is much faster though not as deep, and the contest takes place in a friendly environment.  FanLit Forever allows us to focus on our writing in a different way.

We are very small right now.  Avon’s FanLit brought in over 5,000 registered members all told.  We have barely over 50.  As near as I have been able to figure by using the Find feature, only about 200 people, or roughly 4%,  ever submitted anything to Avon’s FanLit.  We had about half a dozen, or 12%, submit in the first round.  Avon was mind blowingly big in comparison, but we have a higher proportion of people who are active, and that when NaNo, the Golden Heart, and the Holidays had everyone distracted.

I see a day when FanLit Forever always has someone posting and frequently has people in the chat room.  I see a day when there are enough votes and comments on each entry for each entrant to have a solid grasp on how they are doing, when Shameless Self-Promotion is entertaining for itself,  and everything has the zest of knowing you are in the right place at the right time for a something big to happen.

But it’s going to take time and effort to get there.

Tomorrow I’ll suggest ways you can help make this dream a reality.



Excuses Excuses

I suppose I owe my FanLit readers an apology.  Or maybe I owe it to myself.

I was decidedly half-assed about my FanLit entries for the first challenge. 

I can lay the blame for this on all kinds of doorsteps.  I was too busy setting up the board, the rules, and the vision of FanLit Forever.  I was busy getting my entry ready for the Golden Heart contest.  I was trying desperately to keep up with a very active critique group.  I ran into problems with my children involving homework – which I thought they were doing but they were really hiding.  I had family in for the Holidays.  I am still new to this blogging business and have gotten totally sucked in.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.  You’d think by now I’d recognize the signs of a writer’s procrastination.

In a way I’m glad neither of mine won, as it could conceivably be considered a conflict of interest for me to enter at all.  I’m kind of gland my husband’s didn’t win either, though he deserved to.  He worked very hard on his entry.

Looks like, unless a whole hoard of people get in there and vote otherwise, we will be doing a Holiday theme single-shot entry.  I think I’ll do mine on St. Patrick’s Day.  Think I’ll win?




The Winner Is…. Unknown.

If you are the one who wrote Something Old, Someone New please step forward and take your bows.  You won!

 Due to a combination of miss-communication, untried procedures, and stupidity on my part, we no longer have the name of the person who wrote the story.  We can come up with most of the others, but not that one.

 Now we know how to do this better, and won’t have that problem for Challenge 2.

 And for anyone planning on entering the next FanLit Forever challenge, head on over to The Polling Booth and place your votes.



Technical Difficulties

Hey, it’s our first ever round.  You’ve got to expect a few glitches.  But I will close all the polls today and post the winner of the First Challenge for FanLit Forever if I have to do it all manually.




I guess I’m just in the mood to pontificate.  Don’t worry, I’ll be back to gerbil fair soon.

This one’s for you, TessaD.

If you read Romance novels you’ve probably read a ton of prologues and never even noticed. Reaching across my desk for my recently – read – and – not – yet – removed – from – the – house pile, I see that in the last two months I’ve read 17 books.  Most are romances but a mystery and a couple of Science Fiction were thrown into the mix.  Of those books the following had prologues:

A Whisper of Roses by Teresa Medeiros
The Music Box by Andrea Kane
The Lady Chosen by Stephanie Laurens
My Seduction by Connie Brockway
Marriage Most Scandalous by Johanna Lindsey
My Demon’s Kiss by Lucy Blue
Dark Secret by Christine Feehan
Princess Charming by Elizabeth Thornton
An Offer From A Gentleman by Julia Quinn
Skintight by Susan Anderesen

First you’ll notice that neither the Mystery nor either of the Science Fiction had prologues.  If I’d read more of either genre no doubt a prologue or two would have cropped up, but not with the frequency of Romance.

Second, you’ll notice the ratio of prologue vs non-prologue.  10 out of 17 books had prologues.  10 out of 14 Romances had prologues.  Of the ones that didn’t have prologues only one is an Historical.  Another of those without prologues is an anthology of Cowboy Romances.  Neither Cowboys nor Anthologies tend to run to prologues.  The other two are Romantic Suspense.  Notice that most of the books in the list with prologues are Historicals.

Keep in mind I tend to grab from my TBR pile in a somewhat random order.  In other words I read heavily in the genre I’m writing but otherwise simply grab whatever I’m in the mood for.  I never took into consideration whether or not a book had a prologue.  However this sample could be a statistical anomaly.  If you really need to convince yourself there’s nothing wrong with writing a prologue, head on down to B&N or Borders and go through the books on their shelves.

So it would appear the people who tell you to avoid prologues don’t know Romance readers very well.  It’s the readers you have to please, not some critic.  I’ve heard teachers, lecturers, and well-meaning critique partners all say you have to avoid prologues.  I’ve been hearing how out of fashion they are for the last 20 years.  I say phooey!  If a book calls for a prologue, then write the silly thing and move on.

What else do How To Write books and pundits like to say about prologues?  How about this one:  “Keep it short.”  Let’s go to the books and see for ourselves.

A Whisper of Roses had three scenes running for 10 pages total.  By the end I had forgotten it wasn’t chapter one and was jarred by a facing page labeled Part One.  Yet I found the book to be more compelling and the prologue more interesting than the one in The Music Box which only went on for 4. 

The Lady Chosen was 2 scenes and 15 pages long and one of the best parts of the book.  But then, she’s setting up not only the book but the entire series of The Bastion Club books.  Likewise the prologue in My Seduction went on for 20 pages (longer than some chapters!) covered only one scene, and was used to set up a trilogy.

Marriage Most Scandalous was short and sweet at 9 pages with a single scene.  My Demon’s Kiss went on for 26 pages (!) without a break.  The prologue for Dark Secret only went 8 pages and did not serve it’s purpose as Chapter 1 would have stood better without it.  Though it was part of a series, the prologue only attempted to set up the current book.  The one in Princess Charming went for 3, didn’t include hero or heroine,  and had minor repercussions throughout the book.  Likewise An Offer From a Gentleman colored the rest of the book with only 11 pages, but I’m not entirely sure it added that much.  The prologue in Skintight was only 2 pages long, as considering there was no change in character, time, or place, could have simply been part of Chapter one and been less confusing.

I’d say off hand you can throw out the book when it comes to “keep it short.”

The one truism I’ve heard over and over that does seem to work in Romance novels is use the prologue when there is a significant difference in time, place, and cast of characters.  Though frequently the hero, heroine or both would appear in one of these prologues, they generally did so as children.

So what is the REAL beef about prologues?

Beginning writers don’t know what to do with them.  They haven’t stopped to study the way prologues are handled by the writers they love to read, and overlook the basic cues writer’s use and readers pick up on instinctively.

Putting the word “prologue” in front of the section of your book is a way of telling the readers “this is a little different from anything else you’ll read in the book.”  I’ve seen lectures, poems, songs, and scenes with characters that are later spoken of but never appear outside of the prologue.  They all worked fine.

And that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?  That the writer communicate as elegantly and effectively with the reader as humanly possible.

So when you revise your book don’t ask yourself whether or not you’re “supposed to” have a prologue.  Ask yourself if it does what you want it to.




NaNo and The Internal Critic

May is having a sort of writer’s carnival.  She has invited people to write about writing technique every Wednesday, and let her know about it.  She will post a link on her blog.  Since Alice’s Restaurant is a Romance writer’s blog, I thought why not?  So every Wednesday I’ll be doing a little something gleaned from my 30 plus years of effort.  It’s too late to get my link in this week, but next week should make it in, and you’ve got to start somewhere.

And that’s what I want to talk about.  Starting.  Somewhere. 


The one thing sure to face every writer at least once is the dreaded blank page.  Most of the time, in the last half dozen years, I’ve blown right past that blank page so fast I hardly notice.  But I spent years and years agonizing over every little word.

What makes it so agonizing?  The inner critic.  There is nothing worse than a little voice you can’t plug your ears against saying things like:

“This is no good.”

“You are wasting your time.”

“You’ll never be good enough.”

“This is too hard.  You don’t have what it takes to do this.”

“You don’t have enough time for this.  You’ll never get anywhere.”

“No one will ever want to read this or anything else you ever do.”

“Quit now, before you make a fool of yourself.”

Notice a pattern here?  Your inner critic claims to be trying to save you from pain, but most of the pain is coming from those nasty little thoughts.  The first thing to do is NOTICE the things you tell yourself.  The second is to realize it’s your own brain coming up with this garbage, and thus it’s under your control.  The third is to replace the comments with something else.

Replace it with what? 

How about your book?

These days I generally open a file when a scene, one that moves me, is already running in my head.  I sit down and start typing frantically trying to keep up with the images and dialogue and life of the characters before it all evaporates back into the mists from which it all came.  When I come up for air, I don’t even remember seeing the blank page at all.

Keep in mind, however, that I have already beaten the inner critic back so that It doesn’t trip me up when the words don’t match what’s in my head.  I know they aren’t going to match before I start.  Having gone to ridiculous lengths to try and make them match, I speak from experience.

I beat back the inner critic when I tried to quit.  Three times, I honestly tried to make myself stop writing.  I couldn’t do it.  The scenes still play in my head.  They’ve got to go somewhere.  Why not on paper?  And as long as I’ve written it down, I might as well share it.  Heck, I might even be able so sell something someday.  It’s a vicious cycle.  But once I realized I was never going to be able to quit, I didn’t care any longer what the inner critic had to say.

Takes too long?  So what?  I’m going to do it any way.  Not any good?  So what?  Never going to amount to much?  So what?  I’m a big looser because I spent so many years of this?  Too late to worry about that now.

I noticed something once I gave in to my writing addiction.  It was a lot easier to write.  It was more fun to write.  My writing has been getting steadily better.  I’m getting more and more positive feedback.  And I have little time for people who support my inner critic with stupid comments like “are you still at that?”

It seems to me that National Novel Writing Month is an attempt to get around the inner critic, one that doesn’t involve trying to tear your life apart in order to quit writing.  In order to write that many words in one month you have to go for volume, not quality.  You could sit there typing random words and meet the challenge.  It doesn’t matter what you write, merely that you do so.

Do the BIC-HOK  (Butt In Chair, Hand’s On Keyboard) because nothing will happen if you don’t.  And if you do, there’s a chance, just a chance, that you will discover that golden glory, that Holy Grail known as The Flow.  Trust me, even if you never get a word into print, even if nothing you write appeals to you when you read it months later, experiencing the flow makes it all worth while.

Here, on this next-to-last day of NaNoWriMo consider what you got out of the experience.  Chances are it wasn’t a sellable book.  If you are lucky and put a lot into it, then you learned some writing technique, got over some fears, and ended up with something that might someday be finished and revised into a sellable book.

In the worst case you listened to your inner critic and came out accomplishing little or nothing and feeling lousy.  Buck up!  Your “failure” isn’t real because writing a book doesn’t have to be done in a single month.  It can be done any old way you feel like doing it with the exception of never getting around to it.  Tell your inner critic to shove off.

By the way, that inner critic doesn’t limit itself to your writing.  See what it has to say about your job, the way you interact with your family, or even your hobbies.  It’s just as wrong there as it is in your writing.


Who has been there and back.


What a Rush

I was over on FanLit, doing my civic duty by voting on the submissions when I realized there are authors hovering around the board, waiting for my input.  Mine!  Of course they don’t know it was me who gave the score and/or made the comment, but so what?  I can have an impact on someone’s life Right This Minute.

So different from the deep and delving critiques I do for RWA contest judging.  I might have a bigger impact, but it will take place weeks down the road.  For FanLit I don’t have to do near as much work, and get the sense of immediacy.  It’s almost like Avon again.





Or should I say gossip?

 Cat has finally put up her Tag blog.  Still no response from Milady Insanity.  Sigh.  She does, however, have some good recipes up.

MerryDay won 1st place in the Teelit – that’s Harper Teen FanLit contest to us old fogies – after having placed 4th in two previous rounds.  Yay MerryDay!

Tessa and CM are still slugging away at their WIPs.  Hang in there, ladies.  Sara is in wristwatch land.  That’s what my dh calls it when you find yourself looking at the clock every few minutes and sighing as you wait for a response.  Only in his case it’s waiting for the computer and in hers, it’s waiting for TV executives.  Oh wait, there’s a difference?

Moonlight has become Cynthia Falcon and could use some feedback on her WIP.  She has it up on her blog and also in the WIP section of FanLit Forever.  As soon as I can, I’ll be giving it a look myself.  Tomorrow maybe?

FanLit Forever is well on it’s way to completing it’s first challenge.  It looks like the system is running well.  Now if only we could get a few more people involved.  Deadline for voting on the entries is November 29th.  That’s this Wednesday.  Get your butt over there and vote!

BTW, I LOVE the new ranking system.  It says so much more about the work itself to be able to see how every vote landed than to simply watch the numbers blip then get some odd total that doesn’t even come close to what you saw go by, and having everything anonymous has given me much more confidence in the results.  There are some VERY good entries.  Unluckily, neither of mine would fall into that classification.  That’s what I get for shoving them off as soon as I got them typed out.

I have almost caught up with all the commitments I made a couple of months ago.  All that’s left is to critique one book.  Yep, the whole thing at a whack.  Should be interesting.



Attention Span of a Rodent

Let’s play Jeopardy.  The answer is I have the attention span of a rodent.  The questions are:

A] Why are my blog posts often short?
B] Why can’t I settle on one WIP at a time?
C] Why does it take me so long to respond?
D] All the above.


Any guesses?




Quick Quize

I am, of course, Dedicated.  Is there anyone here who isn’t?



Maybe I should have named it Alice's Free Hot Lunch?

To everyone who surfed in looking for the song Alice’s Restaurant,  my apologies.  I don’t have words or music.  When I named my blog Alice’s Restaurant I had no idea people liked to listen to the song on Thanksgiving, or that Alice was a real person who has owned more than one restaurant let alone that she was still alive.

But as long as you’re here, why not say hi?




Out to Lunch.  See you tomorrow!




T-Day Minus One

On the task list for today – Toast the bread and make cornbread for the dressing.  Mix dressing’s dry ingredients in a big bowl with a lid then set aside.  Make the cranberry dressing.  Take the giblets out of the turkey and cook them up. 

What?!  It’s still frozen?!!  Argh.  Fine, get giblets out with a chisel, but get them out and cook them up now cause I am NOT getting up a 3am to make the dressing.  Not this year.  So now I’ve got the plastic covering off the stupid bird and the dressing made, but I can’t put anything into the bird until tomorrow anyway and what am I supposed to do with the bird?  Oh yeah, have dh turn it into a Saran Wrap mummy.  Yeah, that works. 

Put the ingredients into the bread maker but don’t start it until tomorrow.  What do you mean bread makers are cheating?  Go away, Mom. 

Find the good china.  Unpack the good china.  Forget the good china, wash the everyday and call it good.

Make the pie.  Get more eggs.  Make the spinach dressing.  Get more eggs.  Make omelets for lunch.  Opps, better make that something from the deli because we’re out of eggs again.

What do you mean I’m running around like a turkey with it’s head cut off?  I’m a little busy.  That’s all.


