Elbow Room


Last Thanksgiving my family and I sat around the dinning room table and talked about what each of us wanted for Christmas. This is a regular event which tends to be harder on the person who is asked what they want than on those asking. Yeah, most of us aren’t kids anymore. If we want it, we just buy it.

I tend to be a bit flippant in my response to that question. One year I said I wanted a life. I received the board game, the cereal, and worms. Hey, they’re living. One time I said I wanted jack sh*t. I received potting soil. On this occasion I happened to be working with food, and I irritably said I wanted elbow room.

Well, it took a while, but The Girl came through. She glued elbow macaroni to a tissue box with a window and a door cut out of it. Elbow. Room. Yeeeeaaaaah.


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