Thursday Thirteen 46: Things I have read out loud to my husband:

1. Into the Night by Suzanne Brockmann:

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she heard herself ask instead and was instantly horrified at herself. What did she care beyond basic curiosity?

2. Every Breath She Takes by Suzanne Forster

After explaining that the heroine is a women’s self defense expert having a bad day.

“Stay right there!” she shouted, holding him off with the spray while she got out of her car. She knelt to confiscate what she expected to be a weapon and realized it was a detective’s badge. LAPD, RIHD. She’d heard of the elite robbery and homicide division that dealt with high-profile crimes, but she never would have imagined —

“A cop,” she whispered. “I’ve Maced a cop.”

3. Hawken’s Heart, Suzanne Brockmann

He sat on the second of the two double beds in the room, and Nell thought for a second that he was sending her a message. Their night was over. He was doing to sleep alone. But when he looked at her, she realized that he was feeling as uncertain as she was.

“You look like you could use a back rub,” she said softly.

He met her eyes. “What I really want is to make love to you again.”

Nell’s mouth was suddenly dry. She tried to moisten her lips, tried to smile. “The odds of that actually happening will increase enormously if you sit on this bed instead of over there on that one.”

4. The Masque of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig

His valet, Downey, had been decidedly unamused by the process. (of removing broken china from his cravat.) and when it came down to a choice between his valet and his mistress… well, there was no question. No one kept linen quite as fresh as Downey.

5. The Barefoot Princess, by Christina Dodd

“The marquees is nothing but an overgrown bully who commands that we pay him rent on a poor, battered house the cows would be ashamed to call home.”

“I rather like my house.”

“The roof leaks.”

“It has atmosphere.”

“Miss Victorine, that’s not atmosphere, that’s rain.”

6. The Perfect Lover by Stephanie Laurens

Her senses leapt when he stood, stripped off his trousers, then turned.

Her eyes locked – not on his. She was conscious of her lips parting, of her eyes growing wider, rounder.

She’d touched, but hadn’t before seen.

The visual was even more impressive than the tactile – at least to her mind. In fact, her mind wasn’t at all sure —

“For God’s sake, stop thinking!”

7. The Unsung Hero by Suzanne Brockmann

“When you’re so old and your doctor is so young that you look at him and know you haven’t had sx since before he was born, chances are, he’s not going to have a whole hll of a lot of good news,” he’d told Joe grumpily as they’d driven home.

8. Getting Lucky by Susan Andersen

Nooo! She abruptly sat down on the edge of the bed, and for one of the few times in their life, she wished she were a swearing woman. Her few, pitiful expletives simply didn’t cover the depth of her feelings. But, poop!

9. And Then You Die by Iris Johansen

“Why are you here? What are you looking for?”
“She stared at him in bewilderment. “Money?”
“If you find any, don’t touch it. It’s mine.”

10. Conspiracy in Death by JD Robb
“Ah, do you want me to… do anything here?”

The sound Mira made was between a chuckle and a sigh. Eve sounded nearly terrified the answer would be yes.

11. A Kingdom of Dream by Judith McNaught

“You — you madman! You’ve stolen a PRIEST this time! You’ve actually done it! You’ve stolen a priest right out of a holy priory!”

12. Always Dakota by Debbie Macomber

“I already know you married me for the ranch,” she told him. “I’m not so beautiful, but those cattle of mine certainly are.”

13. Don’t Look Down by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

“That’s not enough,” Lucy said. “I want to do something now.”

“Good,” J.T. said. “You can learn to fall off a bridge.”

“What?” Lucy said, jarred out of her fear for Pepper. “What happened to ‘the molecules won’t part for you’?”

He handed her a harness. “A controlled fall. On a rope. If something goes wrong, you need to be able to go over the side of this bridge, and I’m going to show you how to do that.”

Could this be why he thinks he knows something about Romance novels?

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